Well, everything is going swimmingly now. Teaching Japanese is really fun... it's by far better than teaching English. The students are pretty motivated so I hope to keep them interested. I love trying to think of different activities I can do in the class. I have also already memorized all 23 students' names in 3 class periods, which surprised me
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I wonder because sometimes I tutor people (more like helping them homeschool themselves but it's a long story) but usually I can only do people who are able to look things up on their own, so, if they see some word, they know what to look up. Mostly in the past I helped people read the paper.
Lately I am reading some books about 日本語学 though and being interested in it.
I did tutor some kids at Saturday school too when I was in college (along with the newspaper reading IRPS people) and we played かるた but with cookies and if you got a cookie you could eat it :D
I think mostly for a field you need to just read lots of things for that field in both languages. At least now, online makes that easier. Always I get asked "but how did you know that X means Y what dictionary is it in" and I have to say, there ISN'T such a thing you have to get it yourself, reading materials about the subject, by yourself, if you understand the topic and you read both languages then you yourself will just naturally know what the equivalent terms are, it isn't like someone publishes "the answers" or what...
Maybe interesting for you, I found out the university that I work for (doing IT) now offers a Japanese class in the "East Asian Languages and Cultures" department that is focused on getting jobs in gaming. Pretty neat, it seems to me. I wonder if any of those students will come to the tea :)
What newsletters, etc. do you read in Japanese and English? I try to read cnn.co.jp whenever I can (found out about poor Steve Irwin that way), but that's general information and the fog index is probably very low. How can I find more scholarly articles about medicine and science?
日本語を教えるのはとても楽しくて(今まではね)、将来月給でしようかなと考えています。翻訳することは本当に技術だと思います。授業で習っているのは、もちろん原文が分かった方がいいですが、ましてどうしたら正式な訳を検索できるかという技術も大切です。だから、parallel texts(同課題の英語版と日本語版の雑誌など)を読むのが必要です。つまり、秋晴れさんのいう通り、読書は重要です。医学、科学などの専門用語は、直訳があるけれど、文学だったら、もっと創造的にどうしたら上手く訳せるかと考えなければなりません。
私が普段何を読んでいるかというと、まず新聞や週刊誌です。「朝日新聞」の電子版を一月500円でニフティでネット購読しているけど、購読しなくてもそのほとんどの記事がただで読めます。「New York Times」や「読売新聞」の無料電子版も読んでいます。(しかし電子版に4コマ漫画「コボちゃん」が載っていないのは惜しい…!)そして週刊誌の「サンデー毎日」も旭屋書店を通して購読しています。(あれは電子版じゃないからかなり財布にキツイけど。)専門用語といっても一般向けの新聞や週刊誌にも結構載っています。ナントカ症候群とか医療機器の開発などがたまたまニュースになったり社会の話題になったりして取り上げられて、最初に出たときは大体説明も付いているから、新聞を毎日読んでいるうちにその意味が自然にわかるようになります。経済用語もスポーツ用語も一緒です。
The listing of a class aimed at employment I saw at http://www.ealc.uiuc.edu/, 詳しくは 「This two-semester course aims to prepare students to function effectively in a Japanese
work environment by focusing both on practical language skills and on cultural
understanding. The task-based activities are largely in the form of real-world simulation to
enable students to learn by doing. During the first semester, students primarily focus on
language usage and cultural aspects unique to Japanese work settings. During the second
semester, students primarily focus on aspects of language usage in technical/entertainment
industries such as video games and anime.」って書いてあります。 しかし、300番台でレベルがそんなに高くないのかな?
EALCというのは「Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures」の略で、日本語の授業を管轄している学部です。日本語を専攻できるかどうか私にはわかりません。そちらに問い合わせたほうがいいかも知れません。
I met a professor from there randomly at coffee however and they seem friendly :)
取り合えず、秋晴れさんお勧めの本をアマゾンで注文してみます。そのうち、感想を伝えますよ。(^^) 漢字検定などを目指すことも、役に立つかもしれませんね。
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