(no subject)

Apr 13, 2005 21:26

First of all, what is the time? :: 9:26 pm

+ About Yourself +

Name :: Josh

Age :: 16

Date of birth :: 4/3/89

Gender :: that's a tough one...

Where are you from? :: Metuchen, NJ

Nicknames :: Joshy, Japaz the Jewish pink bunny (I guess...), JPasz, Paz, Little/Small/Mini Paz, Diet Paz, Same Great Taste Less Filling Paz, Jew, The Talkative One, Ookami-kun (damn Otaku Syndicate), Juhp, Spaz, Mazzle Tizzle (J-J-J-J-J-JEW UNIT!), Jewie Jewbacca

Middle name(s) :: uh, Tree?

Do you have any pets? :: Duncan, and I guess my parents. They act like animals.

What makes you happiest? :: HUGZ NOT DRUGZ Y'ALL!!! Uh, my current happinesses would be: Abbe, garage rock and indie rock, Lizzie's hard, thick, juicy rainbow cock, Suzy the Strat, Spikey the Artwood, screeching along with my favorite Hive's tunes, BONERS

What makes you the saddest? :: Too many things to list


+ Have You Ever +

Said ‘I Love You’ and not meant it? :: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that's a long list of names... I mean if ya say "uh, ok" when they tell you they love you, you lose them, so... bweh. Past relationships sucked. Current relationship smileful. Happy.


Been cautioned/arrested? :: no comment

Been to a concert? :: Duh

Cried during a movie? :: Yes, actually, but for personal reasons mostly.

Been on stage? :: Yep

Witnessed a crime? :: ::downloads Metallica out of spite:: Crime? Where????

Swore at your parents? :: Yep

Been abroad? :: Sorta. Jamaica, Barbados. That's it. Hey, I'm a hippy, I'm like a white Rasta.

Been on holiday? :: Course.

Failed a grade? :: A grade, no. A class, yes.

Told the person you had a crush on you liked them? :: Many a time.

Ran away from home? :: Yeah. It's fuuuun.


+ Last Thing You Did +

Last thing you ate :: BURGER

Last drink you drank :: You don't wanna know ;)...

Ok, it was Sprite.

Last magazine you read :: A catalog from Sam Ash

Last person you spoke to :: Mommy Dearest

Last person you emailed :: Oddessy. Who ELSE do I email?

Last thing you bought :: I don't remember

Last shop you went in :: I don't remember

Last song you listened to :: Knock Knock by my lovely Hives

Last website you went on :: KoL, but then I decided to update my LJ instead of destroying drunken goats

Last time you said anything :: I just went "BLEE" for no reason half a minute ago


+ Favourites +

Favourite colour :: BWOO

Favourite band :: Depends... right now, Strokes and Hives. Tomorrow, probably Ok Go and Weezer. Yesterday, Bright Eyes and Dispatch

Favourite film :: Fight Club, Requiem for a Dream, Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, 13, 7even

Favourite song :: LIST TIME! No particular order. And these are just this weeks:
- Flying Horses and Elias by Dispatch
- Perfect Sonnet by Bright Eyes
- Nothing Ever Happens by Del Amitri
- Supply and Demand by The Hives
- Dark of the Matinee by Franz Ferdinand
- Ruby Tuesday by the Rolling Stones
- People are Strange by the Doors
- Rain Song by Led Zeppelin
- My Friends by the Red Hot Chili Peppers
- A reminder by Radiohead
- Rosa Parks by Outkast
- Fell in Love With a Girl by the White Stripes
- Kissing the Lipless by the Shins
- Buddy Holly by Weezer, as usual
- Orgasm Addict by the Buzzcocks
- Look On by John Frusciante
- Time by Pink Floyd

Favourite album :: Dark Side of the Moon and The Wall by Pink Floyd, Blood Sugar Sex Magik by RHCP, Ok Computer by Radiohead, Aqualung by Jethro Tull, Silent Steeples by Dispatch, Ok Go by Ok Go, Is This It by the Strokes, Eat A Peach by the Allman Brothers, Zeppelin IV, The Song Remains the Same, Physical Graffiti, Houses of the Holy by Zeppelin, Sublime by Sublime

Favourite TV programm :: South Park

Favourite day of the week :: Friday

Favourite day of the year :: I don't know

Favourite type of music :: Not sure

Favourite TV channel :: that old skool nicktoons channel

Favourite boys name :: Zakk

Favourite girls name :: Allison


+ Body Matters +

Do you like your body? :: Sure, whatever

What would you change about your body if you had the chance? :: Muscle


+ Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes +

Do you like the shape of your head? yeah

Do you like your eyes? Yeah

What colour are your eyes? BABY POOP!

What would you change about your face? complexion

Are you attractive/average/ugly? :: i don't know

Have you got broad shoulders? :: eh

Do you like your shoulders? :: sure

Have you got knobbly knees? :: eh

Are they fat/chubby/skinny? :: i don't know

Do your like your feet? :: yep!

Describe your feet? :: foot-like, feet-esque


+ Tattoos and Piercings +

Have you got any tattoos or piercings? :: no

How many do you have? ::

What are they of? ::

Do you think lip, belly, eyebrow and nose piercings look good? :: i think lip and eyebrow are cute, and belly is kinda sexy, nose is cool too. i like tongue piercings the best.

What do you think of sleeves (tattoos all on the arm)? :: ehhh

Would you ever consider getting a tattoo - if you don’t already have one? :: yeahhh

If yes, what would you have? :: a pheonix across my chest, a butterfly on my left shoulderblade, an array of religious symbols around a yin yang on my lower back, japanese lettering saying "the brave don't fear the grave" on my right leg, chili peppers asterisk on back of left ankle with "give it away" across the middle in black cursive letters


+ Emotions +

Do you show your emotions much? :: not my actualy emotions

What scares you most in life? :: death, crowds when i'm a part of them

What angers you most in life? :: society

What upsets you most in life? :: loneliness

What makes you happy in life? :: music, people i want to be with, but not too many of them

What helps cheer you up? :: hugs, indie and garage rock

Who is usually there for you when you feel down? :: even though she's not physically there, or even there in realtime, i'd say Oddessy.

Are you more optimistic then pessimistic? :: depends on the situation and my mood

Is the glass half full or half empty? :: the water is at the damn halfway mark, it doesnt matter whether it was filled there or emptied there. all that matters is how much water is in the damn glass.

How short is your temper? :: depends on the circumstances. heh. cum.


+ Choose One +

Watching movies at home/Watching movies at the cinemas :: depends on who i'm with and what movie it is

McDonalds/KFC :: neither. i hate most fast food.

Rock music/Pop music :: Rock

Punk/RnB :: Punk

Black/White :: Black

Hot/Cold :: Hot

Red/Blue :: Blue

Happy/Sad :: Happy

Cameron Diaz/Drew Barrymore :: Drew Barrymore


Talking over the phone/Talking face to face :: face to face. eyes.


+ Random Questions +

If you could have one wish in the world, what would it be? :: immortality

If you had the chance to meet 3 people, dead or alive, which 3 would you choose? ::
1. Siddhartha Gautama
2. Jesus Christ
3. Joan of Arc

What’s the first word you lay your eyes on after you’ve finished reading this sentence? :: hippie. then jew. yes, abbe, i'm a dork, i folded the note back up after reading it and tacked it up on my bulletin board.

Do you have posters on your wall? :: yep

If yes, how many have you got? :: 7 up, 11 not up, 1 painting up, 2 paintings not up, 1 plaque up, 1 old CD World bag up

Who or what are they of? :: RHCP, no doubt, beavis and butthead, radiohead, sublime, yankees, green day, my own rendition of monet's cathedral (afternoon), some weird african painting, an old nerd poster, a poster of a fat chick cooking from new orleans, marylin monroe, doors, johnny depp, scarface, kramer, a print of some weird painting, disney villians, "kiss" (HOTNESS), family guy, and a hippy peace sign poster

What will you be doing at 9:00 tonight? :: since its after midnight now that means thursday... uh... playing the original star ocean

How much jewelery are you wearing at the minute and what are you wearing? :: im biting one of my old hemp bracelets

Do you have a life motto? :: hate is baggage

Have you ever been in love? :: yeah

Who was your first non-famous crush? :: Abbe's kindgarten boyfriend, Adam... haha no... i can't exactly say who on here, sorry.

What is your marital status? :: some dumb jewish chick

What is the weather like outside right now? :: outwhat?

Pick up one thing from your desk, what is it? :: pliers/wire cutter/wire stripper, five pieces of paper, 15 cents, a pen, a hammer, a bendy ruler, a guitar pick, and a mcafee disc... sorry i just took a handful of stuff from right in front of me.

Do you like watching TV? :: i have a few shows and thats it

Describe the chair you’re sitting on :: THICK HARD WOOD

Have you enjoyed this survey? :: no, because my balls itch.

Now, we will finish as we started - what is the time? 1:04 am. i took a break. a really long one.

-and we all went to heaven in a little row boat, with nothing to fear and nothing to doubt-
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