Found out more info about being an extra for ZMD.
The extras are being cast through Foreground Background. Contact info is: Denise Gibbs
Here is the e-mail sent back when I made an inquiry:
I will need your phone number and if you’re here in Seattle or over on the Peninsula.
Also I need the day you are available.
Below you will find some information on the film. Dates are still prone to change before filming.
I encourage you to join my google group since that is how I send out all my talent opportunities emails including the Zombie film.
Click on the link below: click on apply for group membership.
It will ask you for your Google account name and password. If you don’t already have a Google account it’s very easy to join and you can use and keep your current email.
I will not be sending group emails any longer through Comcast so to receive talent opportunities you will need to join the Google group.
Thanks so much for contacting me,
ZMD film (Zombies of Mass Destruction) has changed the shooting schedule. They will be shooting one day earlier and all scenes will be shot on location in Port Gamble, Washington with the exception of one location that is just north of Port Gamble. To make this easy so everyone can get on board to be in this movie, please tell me which dates you are available and I will put your name on the schedule for those days. You can do multiple days (preferred) and you can be both “towns folk” and “zombies”. Towns folk scenes are being shot in October and Zombie scenes will be shot in November. Film credit, one hot meal while on set, craft services, indoor housing (inside theater-bring sleeping bag). Encouraged to bring your own food for the meals that won’t be provided. Port Gamble has limited services. Convenience store close by. Café and grocery store a little drive away. Encouraged to bring own costume and more than welcome to do own hair and make-up. Will have Hollywood special effects make-up folks on set for guidance but will have limited time for all the extras.
Day scenes will be during day light hours. Night scenes will be from sundown to sun up.
Here are the dates we need extras. Please tell me which days you will be there.
(day) Tuesday, Oct. 23
(day) Wednesday, Oct. 24
(day) Friday, Oct. 26
(day) Saturday, Oct. 27
(night) Thursday, Nov. 1
(night) Saturday, Nov. 10
(night) Monday, Nov. 12
(night) Tuesday, Nov. 13
(night) Wednesday, Nov. 14
(night) Thursday, Nov. 15
(night) Friday, Nov. 16
(night) Saturday, Nov. 17