I'm such a music geek...

Nov 14, 2007 22:13

So anyhow, one day I was kinda bored since I was waiting for my music prof (conductor?) to finish whatever he was doing in his office... so to pass the time, I read some of the things that he plastered on his door... and I found that this article (gag?) is incredibly funny... so I thought that I'd share it to people...

New Musical terms from the Harvard music dictionary (... well, I least I think that's what it said... so it totally isn't mine)

F.Y.I. if any of these didn't make sense, don't worry, you kinda need to know some music theory for it to make any sense... actually some of it didn't even make much sense to me... X3

When you're 16 measures into the piece and realize that you took too fast a tempo

Angus dei
to play with a divinely beefy tone

A Patella
accompanied with knee-slapping

a composition that you regret playing

a series of notes not intended by the composer, yet played with an "I meant to do that" attitude

a musical entrance that is somewhere in the vicinity of the correct pitch

a composition incorporating many people with chest colds.

Coral symphony
a large multi-movement work from Beethoven's Caribbean period

Dill Piccolini
an exceedingly small wind instrument that plays only sour notes

a note held over and over and over and...

a note of dubious value held for indefinite length

Fiddler crabs
grumpy string players

Flute flies
those tiny mosquitoes that bother musicians  during an outdoor gigs

Frugal horn
a sensible and inexpensive brass instrument

Gaul blatter
a french horn player

Gregrorian champ
the title bestowed upon a monk who can hold a note the longest

Ground hog
someone who takes control of the repeated baseline and won't let anyone else play it

Placebo domingo
a faux tenor

a sudden burst of music from the Guy Lombardo band

The right of strings
manifesto of the society for the prevention of the cruelity to violists

an indication to string instrument to produce bright and bubbly sound

Tempo tantrum
when an elementary school orchestra is having when it's not following the conductor

Trouble clef
any clef one can't read (i.e. alto clef for pianists)

an indication to build up to a fiery conclusion

child prodigy son of the concertmaster

well, hope you enjoy this little no-sense gag
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