May 11, 2008 02:04
So its been a while. I feel like I was in need of an update. I read over some of my previous entries before starting this one (as I often do) and I'm kind of dissapointed to say that my life hasn't really entirely changed in the past 30 some weeks it's been since I've last written.
Honestly, I feel like I am in the most awkard, unstable place in my life. Things should start happening for me soon and I can definately see the finish line among the fog of uncertainty but I'm just not there yet and frankly, I can't wait to get there. I feel like I'm at the top of a rollercoaster waiting for the big drop and crazy ride to begin but nothing has happened yet, and I'm getting excited,anxious and nauseous at the thought of what's to come. Start my rollercoaster already!!
Well, for one thing I am finally in my last semester of school (long awaited) and unless a glitch in the system of higher education occurs, I will officially be an FIU Alumnus as of August 9, 2008 (crosses fingers).
I've been applying for jobs and so desperatley want/need full-time income. I have been looking into apartments and feel that is just the type of change my life needs. A change of pace, change of scenery.
On the boy front there isn't much going on. The excitement with "Party Rental" pretty much fizzeld out and since him there was another boy who doesn't even really deserve much space used to talk about him. It started off good as things with most love interests usually do. But of course, he ended up sucking at life and dissapeared into the black hole of Flake oblivion, never to me seen or heard from again. And so I make myself feel better by remiding myself that he is short, and I deserve to wear high heels at my wedding.
Truth is, it's been entirely too long since I have had a significant other...and for a long time I had no interest in having one. But honestly, although in this time of my life a boy might not be exactly what I need, it's entirely what I want. I'm trying to remain positive and beleive that it will happen soon enough. But I can't help it, I want to be in love.