Being born a girl is the worst thing that ever happened to me..

Apr 18, 2008 17:45

The Follow Through is tits. I went with them to Michigan City for one of their shows on Wednesday. I think. I was going to take pictures, but the show didn't happen for lack of a PA. We ended going to some chicks house and they played a show in her freshly built expensive-ass home in Portage. Jordan Vanzo introduced me to shots followed by hot sauce. My fucking God it rocks. The sting of vodka dissapears right away when you lick a couple drops of hot sauce off of your wrist. Go JV.

I got really drunk the other night. I'm not supposed to drink while I'm in therapy, but being told I shouldn't pretty much makes me want to do it more than I ever have umm...yea. Therapy might end up making me an alchoholic. I can't wait for my AA meetings.

God... I'm lame. I have no good stories to tell.

I hate girls. They're dumb beings. I wish I had a penis. Girls are ruining my friend's lives. I hate them. They hate me because their boyfriends want to fuck me. I hate them because they won't let their boyfriends hang out with me anymore. That's a good idea though. No one should leave me alone with their boyfriend. Something bad could happen if it hasn't happened already.

I'm gonna go tanning. I know. Lame.
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