
Dec 24, 2004 12:38

Last night sucked in more ways than one... and this morning wasn't much better....... but everything's okay now.

BJ got me a Jack Skellington show curtain with hooks, and Thirteen on DVD. Awwwwe <3333

We had a long-ass conversation about how we're almost exactly the same person... he just has more power and experience. It's true. Like, I have friends that are kindered spirits... that are passionate about all the same things I am... but seriously, this kid's mind and heart operate the EXACT same way as mine. It's frightening.

Gerry's coming into town tomorrow morning... we're gonna get drunk, having our "I'm not christian and very ati-christmas" yule-a-kuh. He's a jew and I'm a nazi pagan... hahaha this is gonna be fun. He hits on me so hard core.. it's like, DUDE... you're my roommate's old roommate... that's kinda fucked. But yeah, anyway, my dad's coming over in a few. Yaaaay :) I should make him lunch....

So yeah, I'mma get outta BJ's room... so I can smoke a cigarette... in honor of my birthday drawing near, we're smokin in the livingroom :)

Now I'm not quarantined to my room when I want a ciggie... well, untill the 3rd, anyway.



My party has been moved to the 1st, instead of new-years eve. So come Saturday night, not Friday. My appologies to all who have already RSVP'd.

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