Apr 21, 2005 14:10
Wow ii havent update iin years iit feels liike.
Been extremely busy lately wiith workiin and skool and what not.
Nothiiing new really stiill doiin iit BiiG :) as usual LoL stiill rockiin the siingle mode nbd works out greaaat 4 Me too busy 4 boys!
My compter went gay for a liil biit but my daddy put iit back iin iits place reaaal quiick:)
Wow 20 days left of skool and then iim a SENIIOR hell yea.
Seniior piics. real soon iim pretty stoked! iim takiin one wiith my fat doggie Claiire:) hahah whats up
Dannng iim liike soo iinlove wiith Mariah Careys new song:) thanks too Presh gettiin Me stuck on the soft shiit LoL
Soo iim feeliin liike gettiiin my grub b4 tanniin then work oo yah:)