
Nov 03, 2005 23:34

Ok, so this is the FIRST time I have ever written anything in the Harry Potter universe. This bunny just started hopping madly in my mind, but I have no idea where any of it is going to go, or even if I'm going to continue with the story. Let me know what you guys think! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as well, seeing as I don't even know what would happen next in this fic!

Title: Tilted
Pairing: H/D
Rating: R (?)
Summary: Harry wakes up next to Malfoy without any memory of how he got there, yet no one else seems to think it's strange.
Disclaimer: Not mine.

Harry woke up warm and snuggled up next to something soft and smooth. He stretched out languidly, his limbs brushing against what was undoubtedly bare skin.

Bare skin. Curious, that.

Harry winced. His ass was sore.

It took a moment for his sleep-addled brain to register that fact, and even less time for him to bolt upright in bed.

He didn’t need his glasses to figure out who was laying naked next to him.


The blond mumbled something incoherent, trying desperately to bury his face under the covers.

In a moment of sheer panic, Harry roughly shoved Malfoy out of his bed, causing the Slytherin to fall unceremoniously from the bed and onto a heap on the floor.

Malfoy was up in an instant, glaring in all his naked glory at Harry.

“Potter! What the hell was that for? And more importantly, what the fuck are you doing in my bed?!” Draco eyed Harry venomously. “And naked at that?”

“First off, Malfoy, you were the one who was in my bed.” Malfoy blinked. The curtains did happen to be red…

“And secondly…” Harry was going to continue, but realized with growing horror that he had no idea how either of them had ended up naked together. Harry hastily covered up his ignorance and decidedly glared at his nemesis. “Seeing as this is my room, I’d rather like to know what you’re doing here.”

“Well it’s obvious, isn’t it? You drugged me up and then had your way with me! I’d say that’s rape. Just wait until my father hears about this-”

“Oh please, I wouldn’t rape you if someone paid me!”

“I’ll have you know that most of the wizarding world, men and women alike, find me highly attractive-”

“Bloody hell, will you two stop it already?!”

Harry and Draco froze and turned their eyes to the redhead in the neighboring bed who was grumbling under his breath about having been woken up early.

“Honestly, don’t you two ever stop? Some of us would like a good night’s sleep, even if you two insist on humping all night like rabbits.”

Harry and Draco both wore twin expressions of shock, immediately followed by a visceral feeling of needing to gag. Ron, however, did not seem to notice and continued his tirade.

“And really, Malfoy, we’ve had this discussion before: No walking around naked! Despite what your inflated ego may think, no one but Harry wants to see it, especially this early in the morning.”

“I like to see it!” Seamus piped up.

Ron rolled his eyes at the chipper Irish boy and trudged his way to the bathrooms.

Suddenly aware that yes, he was indeed still naked, and feeling somewhat uneasy about the lascivious look Seamus was throwing him, Draco haughtily pulled the covers off of Harry’s bed and draped them over his body.

Seamus’ eyes shifted over to Harry - whose body was now exposed - and his grinned widened.

Draco eyed Harry warily. He had to admit that the Gryffindor was undoubtedly drool-worthy.

Oh, god, he really had to get out of here fast. He apparently hadn’t recovered from whatever potion he had been forced to take.

Finally recovering his bearings, Draco sneered at Harry.

“We’ll talk about this later, Potter. Whatever you’ve done, I promise you’ll be repaying tenfold.”


Harry entered the Great Hall in a daze. He was still recovering from what had transpired that morning. The other Gryffindors in his dorm went about their usual business, completely unfazed that Malfoy had woken up in bed with him.

When Harry had inquired about Ron’s thoughts of Draco waking up in their dorm, Ron had seemed exasperated.

“Honestly, Harry, it’s been a while. You don’t think I’ve gotten over it by now?”

And with that, Ron had left for breakfast, leaving Harry trailing behind him.

Harry did a double-take at the doors of the Great Hall. There seemed to no longer be any order to where people were sitting. There were members of all four houses sitting at what was supposed to be the Gryffindor table, and - Harry’s eyes felt like they were going to pop out - Hufflepuffs at the Slytherin table.

Harry spotted Hermione sitting at their usual spot, and hurried towards her.

“Good morning, Harry.” Hermione smiled back at him, and Harry felt relief rush over him.

Hermione would definitely know what was going on.

“Listen, I -”

“Why aren’t you sitting with Draco this morning?”

“I - Huh? What do you mean?”

She smiled at him knowingly.

“Oh, I get it. You two are fighting again, huh? Do you want to talk about it?”

Before Harry could interject, Hermione was continuing, shaking her head in that reprimanding manner of hers.

“No, of course not. You never want to talk about things. Well, if you ever do want to talk about it, I’m always here for you.”

At this point, Pansy Parkinson plopped herself down on Hermione’s other side. Resentment quickly took place of Harry’s confusion.

“What are you doing here?” Harry demanded accusingly.

Pansy looked mildly hurt.

“Don’t worry about him, Pansy,” Hermione said casually. “He’s fighting with Draco again.”

“Ahh.” Pansy was obviously comforted by this explanation and started in on her breakfast. Hermione was speaking to Pansy animatedly about their shared hatred for Divination, leaving Harry’s mind reeling.

It sounded like they thought Harry and Draco actually had some type of - Harry shuddered - relationship…

He let his eyes roam over the Great Hall, searching for clues that might allude to how he could escape from this alternate universe. It was the only explanation - the world he lived in did not include inter-house interactions of any kind, and definitely none of this inter-house mingling.

His eyes lit up in triumph when they landed on a blond head walking towards the Slytherin table. He observed the Slytherin carefully, sure that Malfoy was behind all of this.

Malfoy had gracefully slid into the seat next to Blaise Zabini. Nothing about his manner implied that anything was out of the ordinary - enough proof for Harry that this was some evil plan the Slytherin had concocted.

Harry watched closely as a couple of third-year Ravenclaw girls walked towards the Slytherin table. They looked as if they were going to sit next to Malfoy.

Harry wasn’t sure what Malfoy said to the girls, but by the cold look in his eyes, Harry was sure it was a scathing comment that would undoubtedly make the girls cry. To Harry’s surprise - and Malfoy’s horror - the girls merely giggled and sat down anyway.

Malfoy looked as if he had just smelled something absolutely putrid. It was obvious he was disgusted at the fact that he had to share his breakfast in the company of people other than Slytherins, and even more disturbed that his patented death glare had not affected the Ravenclaw girls in the slightest.

He looked up at Harry then, his eyes portraying complete and utter confusion.

Harry inwardly groaned. Apparently, Malfoy was the only other sane person stuck in this alternate universe in which it was normal for Draco Malfoy - Future Death Eater - to wake up next to Harry Potter - The Boy Who Lived. Naked.

Harry cursed the fates and slowly made his way towards the Slytherin table.


h/d fics

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