*shifty eyes*

Jun 28, 2009 12:39

I woke up super duper early today to walk my dog at 6:30. I couldn't fall back asleep so you wanna know what I did? Like a loser, I bought a ticket to the earliest showing of Star Trek...and for the first time in my life I went to watch a movie in the theatres by myself!

I'm not one who's normally uncomfortable dining or doing things by myself, but it was still an interesting experience, especially at 10am on a Sunday.

I must say that watching the movie the second time around was even better. I was so much more attached to the characters, and I noticed a lot more details. And I still absolutely loved it.

On a side note: Why are movie tickets in Los Angeles so damn expensive!?! Back home it's $10-$11...$12 tops. But I paid $14.50 for my ticket today! That's more than it costs for me to have lunch! Stupid LA and its stupid movie industry.


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