Twilight Article

Apr 27, 2009 22:01

There's a really great article written over at lion_lamb about the trends of the Twilight fandom. Check it out here. It's really well written and sheds some light on how some fans may feel towards fandom now that it's a huge craze.

On another note (and in a different fandom altogether), I just went back into my journal entries and didn't even realize that I had started an H/D WIP in 2005!! I honestly forgot that that fic even existed. Based on the feedback, I'm surprised that I didn't continue on with it.

I now have it pulled back up on my screen and I'm contemplating continuing it. Sad part is, it's been four years and I can't even begin to remember what I had planned on doing with it. It's actually quite hard to get back into the same voice and POV after so long. I'm scared the second chapter (if it's ever realized) will have a completely different tone.

I wonder if people will still be interested in reading it years later...

musings, h/d, twilight

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