
Jun 18, 2011 00:00

Xavier is on a mission to answer the age old question, "What doth life?" and he wanders from town to town on his quest to both provide spiritual guidance to people, and to find out who killed his father. He uses New Age mysticism combined with near criminal stupidity to ruin the lives of those he encounters while on his journey. If the premise sounds hideous, that's because it is, truly.

The title character is a faun-like creature covered with thick brown fur. His knees bend backwards and one of his arms is a snake, which communicates with him via hissing and a voice over. He displays heterochromia and he has a third eye in place of his genitals. He has a beak in place of his nose, fang-like teeth, and multiple nipples running down his furry chest. Xavier wanders around wearing a loin cloth and tennis shoes and is usually found scribbling down nonsensical and looping notes to himself in his journal or playing his shakashuri (a magical flute with shamanistic healing powers.)

Xavier was born to human parents and was despised as a freak of nature by them (though he is completely oblivious to their obvious aversion to him.) His father was distant and tried to abandon him several times, and his mother was a drug addicted/insane stripper who viewed him as a demon.

When he was a child, his parents were killed when his house burned down. Xavier is now on a mission to find the man who set fire to the house, unaware that it was actually set by him on accident. Following the death of his family, he was raised and trained by Chief Master Guru, a Native American shaman who taught him ancient healing practices. Chief Master Guru frequently appears in flashbacks and is always portrayed as abusive toward Xavier.

Throughout the series, Xavier wanders the country (mostly through the southwest) on his spiritual quest. He encounters many people and tries to help them, but his interference is almost always unwelcome and detrimental. In one episode, he kidnaps some babies, hides them in a sewer, and tries to protect them from their "unfit mother", all the while his snake hand stealthily eats the babies. The show is fairly violent, and occasionally there are minutes long scenes of just Xavier's shakashuri induced hallucinations.

Xavier can best be described in one word: batshit.  The man is not just crazy to a criminal degree, but he's just as if not more stupid.  He suffers from delusions and hallucinations, he hears voices in his head and has shown signs of having multiple personalities.  He speaks in circles, uses word play that really doesn't make any sense, and has wild mood swings that can send him into a violent rage at the drop of a hat.

He is also nurturing and tries to help his fellow "man", though his efforts are for naught 99.999% of the time.  He believes himself to be a powerful healer and practitioner of shamanistic healing arts, but his incompetence prevents him from actually helping anybody.  On the contrary, anyone who crosses Xavier's path is in grave danger.  On one occasion he coerced a man into committing suicide.  He also convinced a spirit to become a prostitute.

And let's not forget the fact that he killed his parents by accidentally setting fire to the family home.  Xavier is too stupid to realize that he is responsible for the death of his family, and he is driven by the quest to avenge them in some way.  His motivations are as foggy as his memory, though.  Despite all the evidence so clearly spelling out his guilt, he is too ignorant to put the pieces together.

But it's just as well.  If he can't avenge his parents, he may as well continue healing the hurts of society and righting all the hideous wrongs.

Xavier has the power to cause others to hallucinate whenever he plays his shakashuri (a magical flute.)  The power can be used in person or over the Network and casts a magical spell which lasts for 72 hours.

COMMUNITY POST (FIRST PERSON) SAMPLE: [The feed begins with a shot of the exterior of the Porter building and the soothing sound of flute music in the background. After several seconds of the music, Xavier appears before the camera, furiously scribbling into a notepad and speaking his thoughts aloud.]

They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but I'm not planning on camping over night. For I'm a rambler and a gambler, and I know which way this house of cards is going to fall. Snake eyes.

My task is a difficult one, but I won't rest until I avenge my father's murder. You see, twas long ago, when I was but a wee lad that my father, my own flesh and blood, was slain by the cruel hands of fate. But I'm hear to give fate a handjob and a taste of her own medicine.

[He looks up from his scribbling and sniffs the air.  He turns to address his left hand, which happens to be a snake.]

Do you smell something? What?!  Don't be ridiculous! You know I'm using cream for that!

[A pause as he scratches his head and looks around.]

No wait! That's the stench of loneliness and desperation! Well, it's a good thing I'm here. I happen to have a cure for that right down yonder.

[Xavier reaches under his loincloth…]

How about we give this baby a blow.

[… and thankfully he pulls out his shakashuri flute.]

That's the problem with kids these days. No respect for their elders, no respect for the wise men amongst us. If you want to answer the age old question, "What doth life?" you must first learn to listen to the spirits around you. Without unconditional surrender to your spirit guide, you cannot truly become a man! Now, relax your jowls and your bowels, and give in to the aural intrusion of my musical preclusion.

[And with that, he begins to play the shakashuri, thus casting a spell on anyone who wishes to participate in the Columbus Day Spirit Animal plot! Xavier will be available to talk and answer questions throughout the weekend!]

LOGS POST (THIRD PERSON) SAMPLE: The name of the game is introspection, folks. This sample will both showcase how you will play in the logs community, and how well you understand your character’s motivations, hopes, dreams, quirks, etc. This sample should be a bit longer than your first, and, again, make us cry, make us laugh, or make us never want to meet your character in a back alley and you’re doing a good job!

A note: In the cases of both first person and third person samples, we do NOT accept links to samples written at other games. If, however, you are a returning player applying for a character that you have played previously at Cape&Cowl, you are allowed to link to posts made by that character in this game.
