I claimed..
The Twilight Blogcrew I claimed..
The Harvest Moon Blogcrew I claimed..
The Disney Blogcrew I am the..
iam_the Pippa Cross of Livejournal
I look
Keira at
hm_match I look
Alice at
stamp_twilight I was
stamped to be with..
Rock at
hm_match I'm
meant to be..
Down with the Quiletes at
twilightmatch I was
stamped to be with..
Emmett Cullen at
twilightmatch I was
stamped to be best friends with..
Emmett Cullen at
twilightmatch I was
stamped as..
Alice Cullen at
twilightstamps I was
stamped as..
Alice Cullen at
stamp_twilight I was
stamped as..
Pippa Cross at