Wow. The middle of August. What the hell is going on?
Room update: The 2nd coat of ceiling paint should be finished today! The room looks awesome. I can't wait till I move back in! I scored a couple of cheap-ass desk accessories so I'll mos def be more organizado. I also got another shelf. Hopefully I can get my 'media' center together soon.
I've concluded that I'll probably never see the YYY's in concert :( Tix were sold out in like 2mins. So disappointing! I might actually resort to eBay or craigslist.
Attended a lovely housewarming partay at Lianne's new abode Friday night. Red-headed sluts for everyone! Via Grace that is. Then Saturday night, Myra, Lianne and I sleptover Gaby's bf's place where we pigged out and watched Priscilla Queen of the Desert and Saturday Night Fever. Hugo Weaving?! [ left]
Hennessy's Bar & Tavern has got me hooked on their Cap'n Crunch French Toast. *drools*