Mar 17, 2004 20:07
the world has turned and left me hear just, where i was before you appeared. and in your place an empty space has filled the void behind my face. i just made love to your sweet memory one thousand times in my head. you said you loved it more then ever, you said. i talked for hours to your wallet photograph, and you just laughed enchanted by my intellect, or maybe you didnt. do you believe what i sing now, do you believe what i say you believe!!~
im alone for 5 damn minutes and this happens ^
Ive got it bad, AND ITS INCREDIBLE!! I highly reccomend falling for a boy. now i leave for 5 days. everyone watch over my baby boy i couldnt stand to see anything happen to him. <3 you all, i will be at school tomorrow for two blocks so i can get my class ring durring first lunch then i depart twards the atlanic. Crossing fingers that ill have computer access! ciao'