Moofah - Grab The Gongs; It's Time For Birch Root Tea!

Jun 19, 2008 21:49

So, we came down the mountain, shouting epithets, banging gongs loudly, banners flung into the winds, with white tassels, black silk and red brocade. Each banner was emblazoned with the words "Righteous Fraternity of Chivalrous Stalwarts - Liangshan Marsh". When the government troops saw the banners and heard the frightful noises we were making, they began to panic and lose trust in their commanders. Then, we fired several volleys of the Mother And Sons cannons, and the enemy scattered in all directions.

We were having such a good time fighting the people-harming Prefect that we lost track of the days, and forgot to send a message to our blood brothers. So, here is the message.

Oohay and Latchka have enjoyed several evenings in a row watching the moon rise over the mountains. Tonight was first night that banks and wisps of clouds did not obscure at least part of the celestial orb. But those same clouds make for an early harbinger of the rising disc as it climbs above the heights of Korabit. As am waiting, listening to sounds of evening and night, dogs in village, traffic far away, crickets (hard for Oohay to hear due to gradual loss of hearing and tinnitus), the nightime bird calls, creeping fifty-foot tarantulas, and parents calling to children, friends laughing and shooting guns at passers-by. Peaceful village life.

Adjustments made to new village and new work, but learning that whether radish farming or beet farming, always work to do. Crops to sow, grow and mow, or pluck and pull. It is so hard to forget the awful silence of the clams.
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