So Enough Of That

Jan 14, 2008 20:42

Okay, time for lamenting whining complaining boo-hooing worrying moping is over. Time to be happy happy happy. Honey, let's grab the ammo and go shootin'! Look, them folks look all weird-like, them's prolly furners. Bang! Har har.

Time to go woods being cleared, gather up firewood, drag it home, cut it up, split it up, rack it up, experience heart attack, sore muscles, achy joints (sore arches? from what?). But also enjoy walk in rainy woods, seeing eagles, hawks, and many of their feathered friends. Eagles and hawks looking at ducks along river, ducks drifting along with current or paddling to shore to catch up with their own friends and relatives. One hawk looking especial sad and forlorn, perched on tree branch stub in drizzling rain, cold winter rain, gray skies with cloud swirls in other tones of gray. Oohay stand underneath this hawk, talk to it for several minutes. "Hello, Hawk, how are you? How is hawk-business? What is your favorite color? Do you like ponies? I like ponies. What is your name, Hawk? Freddy? Lustjana? Dorargjend or Dorëbardh? Is that rain cold?" Hawk said nothing, and finally flew off: not a real "Holiday Hawk" if you ask Oohay.

Also, Oohay is giving the "shout-out" to Jahir, Mikan, Monun, Leadan, Gur, and of course, the biggest to the wonderful Zilfa (and even her supposed cat-creature, Fatijon). Spoozla!
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