Aug 19, 2012 13:12

Hi everyone.

Just wanted to let ya'll know that I just went through and cleaned up my friends list. I had a LOT of people who have moved on from LJ to other things like Tumblr, Facebook, etc. I hated clearing ANYONE off my list because anyone who was there I consider a friend, but if you haven't posted in many months, or I can't remember interacting with you in any recent time, then I removed you.

IF you are still around and just reading but not posting and you want to be on my list, please let me know and I will definitely add you back. Every single person I dropped was a loss, but I have no way of knowing you're around if you're not posting. And if you have moved on to another social media thing, let me know that too and I'll add you there. I'm on Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter. I also have a Dreamwidth but I never use it.

I will miss all of you here. I really wish LJ hasn't become such a wasteland. This is still my #1 check as soon as I hop online.

friends list purge, bummer

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