"Sometimes, the day begins with nothing to look forward to.
And things go from bad to worse." [ Sounds like...Kamina? Yeah, it must be him. The open journal isn't too good for showing where he is, but anyone in the library might be able to hear him (quietly, because this is a library) sounding out words while bent over an open children's book. ]
"Darkness overcomes you. Nobody understands. The world is a deaf machine, without sense or reason. Sometimes you wait and wait.
And wait and wait and wait and wait, but nothing ever happens.
Then all your troubles come at once." [ He's got a frown on his face, as if he's not sure this book should even be here - because who wants to tell kids something like that? But he keeps going, taking time with each syllable, miraculously holding on to his patience even when he stumbles now and then. ] "Wonderful things are passing you by. Terrible fates are inevitable.
Sometimes you just don't know what you are supposed to do. Or who you are meant to be. Or where you are.
And the day seems to end the way it began."
[ He leans on his elbows, bending down over the book to look very closely at the last few pictures. ]
"But suddenly there it is right in front of you. Bright and vivid, quietly waiting.
Just as you imagined it would be."
[ After a few minutes, he leans back in his chair and shuts the
book, a thoughtful look on his face.
Then he cracks a smile. ]
Reading's kinda worth it, I guess. Could've used more explosions, but maybe I'll get lucky with the next one.