Jan 16, 2006 00:17
First week back at Uni's been good. It feels like we've already been back a lot longer than we have but that's cool, I love people and yeah. Let's see...what's been happening over here? Hmm, hanging out with the boys, watching boy films and the darts competition (Go Klassen! YEAH! I SO wanted him to win!) and copious amounts of football...and essay writing...and whee. It's been great, and really chilled out which I love. Mostly just been taking it easy trying to calm down and not get too stressed out about work which I always do. Ooh, and to help with the de-stressing I decided to join a gym! I mean, I generally get all my aggression out at kickboxing but that's not nearly enough...and anyway, I figure it's about time I just went for it instead of talking about it all the time...and I need to get fit in time for a 5k run in March. Eugh. But yes, totally embracing the super-healthy lifestyle...I've upped my fruit and veg intake and tried to lay off the junk food and alcohol, I've been so good...I've only had half a glass of wine and half a glass of JD and coke since the whole New Years thing...although I think that's more to do with the fact that I couldn't even deal with the thought of alcohol rather than willpower. But alas, it's Alex's birthday on the 21st and she's all "Dude, you've got to drink with me!"...so I guess it'll be a bit of a short-lived detox sesh. I'm kinda enjoying this not drinking thing though...No embarassing situations, no horrible hangovers and think of the calories I'm cutting down on! Speaking of which, I stayed in tonight to watch a film with the boys and Jen decided to go to the pub for "a drink"...which apparently equated to: 2 snakebites, 1 shooter, 1 double archers and lemonade and 1 pimms and lemonade. So she's just spent the last hour and a half talking at me non-stop about dying old people and women in africa giving birth and stripping off her top and walking around in her bra. Yeah, definately glad about the not drinking.
I have nothing interesting to say, ever. I don't know why I bother. x