Jul 29, 2005 02:39
WHOAAAAAA! SO I finally met up with SOFI!!! She's fucking awesome and I didn't realise just how much I fucking missed her till now and I hope she knows how much I love her. She said we had a connection or some shit like that, I believe her because I think so too! We went to Barzaar...with Chris. That was weird, seriously yo, don't mix friends! It's difficult juggling! Anyway, Sofi's boyfriend Simon came and picked her up at 11:30 from there...and me and Chris went to Tangerine because we're cool! We went, we drank excessively coz he was on a mission to get me drunk and...we danced a lot...and then I convinced Tamara (Chris' ex and one of my best friends) to come to Tangerine so she came and that was weird because well...they used to go out, right? But whatever, it doesn't matter, eventually we left and now I'm home and I'm so wasted but it doesn't matter because I had a good night and I fucking love you all! *muaaaaaaaah*
P.S. my mum rang me while I was at the club at like...1:30-ish going "I'm waiting up for you!" what the fuck? Anyway...I just got home...and I showed up in her room in my underwear and she's like "what are you doing?" and I'm like "I'm in my underwear!!" so she went to sleep...hahaha...ooooh...