Apr 07, 2008 21:34
Perhaps. We'll see how this goes.
I came to the realization this week that I've finally completely succumbed to the A.V. Club employee lifestyle, which means 9-5 are just eight hours in a 24-hour work cycle. Now, I'm certainly not complaining about the fact that I can roll into work when I want, roll out when I want, fuck around on blogs all day if I so choose. But the thing is, with a weekly publication, there's always content being generated, written, and edited, and as someone who turns one, two, or sometimes all three of those screws, I'm responsible for a certain amount of material each week. Used to be, that material was just my edits, which I could easily fit into what I call my "desk hours," the time during the day when I'm actually in the office. But now that I've become sufficiently awesome at edits, I've taken on more writing and web-related tasks, which takes away from my desk time. Thus, work comes home, gets done on the couch, from bed, and whatever eggs I may have left in my ovaries are fried by constant exposure to laptop radiation. Again, this is not a complaint, exactly; I love the majority of what I get to write and read about, and as far as I know, everyone at The A.V. Club works like this. I regularly get e-mails from them all at 9, 10, 11 at night, or even later/earlier, and I'm one of the less-connected members on staff.
So here's my point in all this: I started this blog in grad school, when I constantly had piles of work sitting around, just waiting to be ignored in favor of navel-gazing ramblings sent out through the inter-tubes, and pretty much stopped once I fell into the restaurant/bar lifestyle of lazy days, working nights, drunken early mornings. Now that I'm back under the weighty onus of a never-emptying inbox and rapidly expanding to-do list, the only logical move is to reboot my favorite procrastination device: Livejournal!
However, I'm going to try to avoid the "waaaah, my feelings" trap that I fell into last time around. Basically, I'm just going to try to keep this to general observations about the people/events around me and a round-up of whatever cultural ephemera is interesting me at the time--hopefully music, YouTube clips, and linkage will abound. And there will be nothing even REMOTELY resembling poetry, 'cause really, that's gay. Will I stick with it? Eh, probably not. But who knows, stranger things have happened.