(no subject)

Jul 16, 2005 01:26

1*What time is it:1*26am
2*Today’s Date: july 16
3*Full Name: Elaine Marlene Genord
4*Gender: girl
5*Age: 14
6*Birthday: February 23
7*Siblings (age, sex): Erica-18 Chelsea-16 Haley-12
21*what are you wearing as of now: Pants and a t-shirt
22*Are you wearing make-up? yea
23*did you take a shower today? yea
24*Pets (names, kind): Hunter-German short-hair pointer Bear-German short-hair pointer Zues-Weimeraner<--spelling??
25*what are you drinking right now? nothing
26*Do you smoke? no
27*If so, what do you smoke? your mother
28*Do you have a car, or is it your parents? i walk
29*Are you listening to music? not at the moment
30*If so, what song, and who is it by?
31*what are your screen names? oohmyxo
32*Crush: yea.
33*Person you want to go out with: Gary
34*Dating anyone? yes
35*If so, Gary
36*How long? 5 months
37*who asked who out? gary asked me 0=)
38*Are you in love? yes.
39*Are you a virgin? yeah
40*How far have you been with a guy/girl? do you need to know?
41*How far would you go just to be with the person you loved? depends...
42*Are you a little devil, or a sweet little innocent ANGEL: both =]
43*who’s your best friend? i dont know you tell me
44*Why is she/he your best friend? ??
45*what’s your perfect dream date like: out
47*where would you go? hmm
48*what kind of music do you listen to? lots...alternative,rap,country,rock anything pretty much

***YES OR...NO***:

49*Shy: NO
50*Outgoing: for sure ;)
54*Loveable: yea
55*Sensitive: yes
56*Nerdy: haha sure
57*Geek: of course duhh
58*Playa: no
59*Playa hata: uhh no i guess lol
62*Only Child: nope
63*Cheated on a test: ya science mostly
64*Did someone else's homework: ehh they mostly cheat off me
65*let someone act like you on the phone: sure?
66*Asked out your crush: sure
67*Split up a relationship: yea
68*Drove a car: yes
69*Road a roller coaster: yesssss
70*Chickened out on a roller Coaster: no way
71*Went to a concert: yessss
72*Went to the beach: yeah.
73*Been to an Ocean: yeah its big!
74*Called your boyfriend a jerk: heck yes
75*Made fun of your best friend: yea
76*said you loved someone when you really didn't: yea
77*Said you loved someone and you meant it: yea
78*Kissed someone: yup


104*COOLEST CAR: my sister!
105*BEST HOUSE: umm...i dont know
107*MOST TALENT: rachel
108*FUNNYEST TRACK RECORD: ?? not sure what that means lol
110*ODDEST SENSE OF HUMOR:kyle wyle lmao
112*MOST UNUSUAL IDEAS: lots of them
114*IS THERE A SONG THAT REMINDS YOU OF THEM: like every other one lmao.
116*BEST GIRL FRIENDS: yea i dont knwo you tell me
117*BEST GUY FRIENDS: gary, chris,evan,kyle,dan.
120*WHO COULD YOU TELL ANYTHING: Stacy, Rachel, Alex, Chell
121*WHY/NOT: Cuz they are there for me when i need them
122*DO YOU TRUST THEM: yea otherwise i wouldnt tell them shit lmao!
123*OUT OF ALL YOUR FRIENDS, WHO IS THE stupidiest: Stacy! haha lighters and body spray not good lmao!
125*TALLEST: Gary
126*FUNNYEST: Rachel and Stacy
128*TRUSTED: ??
129*TRUSTING: ??
130*ADVISER: ??
132*MOST PERFECT: no one is perfect
133*MOST INSECURE: Chelsea
134*SMARTEST: Evan
135*BLONDEST: Chelsea
136*HORNYEST: uhh lots
137*HONEST:Emilee and Rachel and Stacy

***Which One??***:

138*Car OR jeep: Car
139*Sweet and ugly OR Rude and Hot: sweet and ugly
140*Tall OR short: tall
141*Long hair in the summer OR short hair in the winter: short in summer?
142*Bangs OR no bangs: bangs
143*hot, hairy chest guy OR ugly smooth chested guy: hairy?
144*Soggy Bread OR Raw Meat: gross
145*Justin Timberlake with a bald head OR long hair: bald he is ugly anyway you make him.
146*Pringles OR Doritos: pringles
147*Scary Movie OR Romantic Movie: scary for sure!
148*Dog OR Cat: doggy woggy lmao
149*Fish OR Bird: birdy
150*Sandals with socks or tennis shoes with no socks: tennis shoes with no socks
151*Shoes OR Sandals: shoes.
152*Computer with no mouse OR Computer with no keyboard: no mouse
153*Love OR Like: love
154*Hott Or Cute: hott man
155*Honest & Nerdy OR Liar & Popular: Honest and nerdy
156*100 friends or 1 best friend: 1 best friend.
157*100 friends that lie all the time OR no friends: no friends..
158*Hott boyfriend that never calls you OR Ugly Boyfriend that calls you when you want him to:ugly boyfriend that calls me when i want him too
160*Staple your tongue or Staple your Lip: lip.
161*Long Gross nails Or no Nails at all: no nails.
162*Food or drink: drink
163*Spinach OR Raw Fish: spinach is good lmao
164*Green Beans or Refried beans: green beans.
165*computer with no speakers & napster OR a computer with speakers without napster: a computer with speakers without napster.
167*Email or Mail: E-mail.

***First reaction***:

168*Ugly: your mom?
169*Fat: meaty
170*cute: puppy haha
171*Hot: guys
172*Guys: kool kids
173*Jerks: guys
174*Girls:not nice
175*friends:want some
176*Car:black mustang convertable
178*Color: blue
179*wet: party!
180*Plastic: wannabes
182*soft: hair
184*Silver: cute
190*Money:lots of it
198*Suck: and blow lmao!
199*Blow: your mom?
202*what time is it now?? 1*48
203*did this Survey really annoy you? no im bored as helll
204*who do you hope fills this out? i dont know??
205*Are you glad your done? im bored so no
206*DO you want more ??’s? yes please
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