Fire Emblem Kink Meme~!

Dec 20, 2007 03:37

The Fire Emblem Kink Meme has MOVED! The new kink meme is here and the anon meme is here.

The comment screening issue from before should be solved now; anon comments are enabled so any fills that you feel like posting here can still happen.

Thanks to this secret posted on fandomsecrets, I decided to go ahead and do something I'd been toying with for a little ( Read more... )

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credo | editio typica 3 anonymous March 30 2008, 01:20:55 UTC
When they broke apart Lucius was significantly less composed: two streaks of colour high on his cheeks and gasping quite scandalously. Raven was smiling now, short hair brushing Lucius' forehead as he tugged his shirt out from his trousers, undoing buttons and zippers and all sorts of fastenings with almost alarming speed. Both his hands had made their way to Lucius' trousers, with nothing to hold them together, so Lucius took the initiative and circled one arm around Raven's neck, the other toying with the jacket's metal fastenings.

His efforts were thwarted when Raven pushed down his trousers and shirt, neatly trapping his elbows at his sides, and pressed his back against the cold brick wall. "Good little Catholic," he purred into Lucius' neck as his hand wrapped around the fine silver cross, hanging from a chain below his collarbone. Lucius was about to point out the irony of the situation, but Raven's hand cupping his erection turned his words into an embarrassingly high strangled noise.

"Ahhh," he wrangled as Raven took him in hand, quite bereft of eloquence; Raven didn't seem to mind, and mouthed at his bare shoulder with apparent enjoyment. Lucius writhed in his impromptu bindings, pants tangled up in his knees and elbows scraping against the wall, breathing hard. The tie still hung from his neck, like a collar Raven could pick up at any moment. He was pretty sure he could be made into a dictionary entry:

Brother Lucius [ loo · cee · us ] noun-q.v. position, compromising.

Which was a thought with no right to be as incredibly arousing as it actually was. Lucius panted and gasped and sweated in the heat, trying not to stare obsessively at the alleyway opening. Raven noticed, and responded by strategically tweaking a nipple-Lucius nearly bit through his tongue.

"I need hardly remind you we can easily be discovered," Raven snickered at the noise, and Lucius opened his mouth to make an incredibly apt comparison to Biblical snakes and the corrupting nature thereof, except Raven stroked a thumb across his lower lip and slipped two fingers in his mouth, smooth as sin. He choked, and then moaned as Raven stroked the back of his tongue, feeling saliva welling at the corners of his mouth. The sound was effectively muffled.

"Jesus Christ," Raven muttered, staring at Lucius' lips stretched tight around his fingers, "that's hot." And Lucius, despite feeling a guilty twist in his gut at the profanity, was very distinctly inclined to agree.

He closed his eyes, and felt his hips moving, guided by Raven's touch, Raven's mouth trailing down his chest and over the cold silver of the cross. This was what having sex with Raven was like-Raven, who dyed his hair red to suit his eyes and walked around in leather and boots; who was a certified drop-out but still knew all the prayers by heart. They'd taken away his cross necklace when they kicked him out, but Lucius had stolen it back, trembling with guilt and misery all the while, and given it to Raven one bright Saturday after mass. He still wore it under all those layers, although you couldn't see it beneath the two chokers and spiked collar.

That was Raven-Raymond, to the headmasters-who had reached out through the tile fence one day and snagged Lucius' tailcoat with a fishhook, though later on his methods had evolved and he'd caught his heart as well. Lucius realized such un-Catholic sentiments were generally considered scandalous-he moaned around Raven's fingers in his mouth and tried to ignore the rising sense of hypocrisy.


credo | editio typica 4 anonymous March 30 2008, 01:26:09 UTC
"Nnngh," he panted as Raven finished the (glaringly obvious) hickey, his hand on Lucius' cock curling just so-his palm gripped here and his thumb stroked there and Lucius choked down a half-sob, coming in his pants with his throat working around Raven's saliva-covered fingers, arching up from the wall, his hair tangled in the ivy like ragged latticework.

He fell back panting, knees angled together bonelessly, when he realized Raven was breathing hard too, sharp and flushed. His one hand was resting on Lucius' shoulder, fingers still wet from Lucius' throat and dripping on his chest, the other sticky from the mess in his pants. His neck was red beneath the collar, and his erection bulged in his leather pants, hard against Lucius' leg. He smiled.

"Now, payback," he drawled, but was interrupted by an interminable cacophony: the lunch bell was tolling; long, spine-rattling gongs.

"Oh," said Lucius, biting his lip delicately; it really was time to go-he couldn't miss out another communal meal without arousing suspicion, and they both knew it. He looked down at himself: dishevelled, spent, and smeared with various unspeakable substances. Raven's leather was chafing against his leg.

"I, um," he said, and Raven made a sound of inexpressible frustration; leaned in and kissed Lucius on the mouth, hard and bruising. He growled into the kiss, pressing them both against the wall, and broke away panting harshly. His hands, still messy, now hung by his sides.

"What I was about to do to you," he snarled, half-lamenting, staring at Lucius from neat black shoes to ruffled crown. Lucius had the grace to look apologetic. "Go on, then, scram," he said, "before I change my mind."

Lucius tried to arrange his clothes into something resembling order, and experienced partial success. Finally, he extricated his hair from the red-brick ivy and took a step towards Raven.

"Hey," he said gently, though there was a distinctly impious light in his eye, "hey, you know what? I have a free period after dinner. All the time in the world." He kissed Raven's jaw lightly, almost ghosting, like a promise. "Think you can abstain until then?"

Raven appeared to consider this. "Sinners don't abstain," and he looked vaguely amused, "but don't worry, I'll be ready for you by then."

"It's a deal." Lucius looked perfectly innocent, except for the stains in his clothes, and Raven laughed, said "be there, schoolboy," which wasn't an order but a shared promise, because their creed was better than any catechism.


PRAISE THE LAWD anonymous March 31 2008, 00:44:50 UTC
OP adores you, but hopes you already knew that. ♥

So... that was perfectly. Actually perfect. Exactly what I wanted, down to the crosses and the leather jacket and the sjfklafsa. Not only was it the best Raven/Lucius fic evuh, but it was written by someone who knows comparatively little about FE7 canon!

So honestly, I will do something for you in return. Anything. LIKE LINKING YOU TO THIS PICTURE
I KNOW YOU WILL ADORE!, really, I'll do something proper-like.


Re: PRAISE THE LAWD anonymous March 31 2008, 00:58:30 UTC
OH, OP. ♥ ♥ ♥

Anon can only express glee at this success, because OP is definitely a worthy soul, kind and fantastic and deserving of kinkery fuckery. Anon is very glad indeed that OP enjoyed herself. :D


A-Anon have nothing to say. Nothing. Except perhaps THIS CALLS FOR MSN MAULING, PRONTO! The OP will kindly get her ass there asap and with minimal dress bb. >D P-PARTAY TIEM, BOOYAH.

Anon really thinks we could do something proper, if OP wishes it, but Anon forewarns that this would likely deteriorate into a never-ending cycle of kinkfic-writing and request-filling whose end result would be detrimental to both physical and mental health, if undeniably MADE OF 100% PURE AWESOME. ♥


Re: credo | editio typica 4 anonymous May 5 2008, 07:45:28 UTC
seconding anon wants to have your babies~~~! This is hot and perfect and guh


Re: credo | editio typica 4 anonymous May 11 2008, 13:47:17 UTC
Oh wow, thanks! Anon didn't really think anyone else would see this. I'm super-glad you like it though; the more the merrier, and all that. XD Also, Anon's babies? HAVE AT, THEY ARE YOURS. ♥


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