Dec 10, 2006 23:35
"icwalitb." meaning -- I can write a lot in this box.
hey. so. i was talking to olivia and was like -- no one uses lj anymore, like we used to anyway.
and olivia with her endless knowledge was like --yea. well i never have anything to say because I've been hanging out with y'all a lot lately.
and so in my head, i though. wow. olivia is really smart.
because well. i have nothing to say anymore. except that theres track tomorrow and the next day and the next day and the next day and the next day and the next day. then not the next day.
OH. with some bassoon lessons and band rehersals thrown in.
and i can't wait for xmas break with its fun and ice and snow and hot chocolate and peach tea and friends and partays and new years.
(ps. you're all invited to the new yrs party held at ann and my humble abode errrrvry year)
and I think thats it.
except for today I had grahm crackers with chocolate frosting, marshmallow fluff, and peanut butter (not all together). but the chocolate frosting was gross. i recommend the other 2 tho.
so. i think everyone's sleeping now. but im up. because i fell asleep---a 3.5 hr "nap" :D -- while doing chem hw earlier. SO. sleep well. dream of sugar plums (which sound gross)