
Mar 14, 2013 02:02


My name is Chrispy and I need someone to Oofuri gush with. I'm new to the fandom. Super shocked that this got past me..It's amazing..... Totes just bought volumes 15-20, can't wait to get them in the mail (squeee) I'm an old otaku (my first anime convention was in '99 >< ) the internet still amazes me... and I'm not sure I completely understand how the LiveJournal thing works... (still trying to figure out what the tumbler is...) Anyway, derp aside, I want an oofuri friend!! So if anyone wants to squee with me email me! BTW I'm 24, a chick, and live in Maryland. I usually attend Katsucon, tekkoshocon, t-mode, anthrocon, animazement, otakon and AnimeUSA. I'm going to Bronycon this year too XD.

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