Who knows? Not me, I've never lost control..

Jun 11, 2004 22:13

Today was spent mostly in Meena's pool hanging with the cool Cape Henry kids. And by cool, I mean the ones I don't really talk to in school but still consider my psuedo-friends by virtue of knowing them for a long time. I sometimes get invited to their get-togethers and I rarely invite them to mine. Not the type of person I'd call and ask to a movie, but I don't particularly mind their company. I guess I should hang out with these kids more often because the more I'm thinking about it, the less friends I actually have. Boohoo? No, not really, I like my friends and I don't really have a night where there isn't SOMETHING I could be doing. I'm just usually too apathetic to call people and make plans, I guess. After Meena's party, I hung with her, her sister, Note (sp?), and this kid I sort of know, Alex Summy. Relatively fun, I think I must befriend them to make up for my lack.

Tomorrow- community service with Ventures. Woo..hoo? Whatever, then I have to come home and unpack and then I'll probably go to see The Stepford Wives. Yay. Sunday, I must dine with the God-parents, fun fun. Other than that stuff, call me to hangout people.
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