[ 1490 Kramden Road, Early Morning after the Bomb ]
[ There is a shift, and then the world changes. Something in the shift nudges Ilsa awake, and the light is different enough to make her wake rapidly. ]
Tarvek, wake up! Something's wrong!
[ 1490 Kramden, Morning ]
[ After finding Egon relatively okay, and the drones... not, Ilsa is taking the
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He's already been to the mayor's office and back and has searched a few other houses before he returns to Kramden to find Ilsa scavenging the rubble where their home once stood.]
We didn't find much of anything. The mayor's dead. Looks like a suicide.
[ She rushes to give him a hug, and gives him a quick once over. ]
Peter and Ray okay?
Ray is. We haven't found Peter yet. [Which might explain why he's restless and looking like he's searching for someone.]
Is Tarvek alright?
[ She holds loosely to him, providing contact if he wants it, but allowing release if he needs to escape. ]
One of us will be here, and the basement is relatively okay. Tarvek said he's going to reinforce the stairs and get a door up for us, so we'll have a place to shelter in. I'll be going to the hospital, see if there's anything to salvage for a medical kit, since mine was in the hall closet.
[ She looks up at him, unable to project anymore, but the look is complete confidence. ]
You're going to go looking for Peter?
I'm going back out to find Peter, make sure he and Ray are taken care of, then I'll come back here.
Don't do anything crazy. [He knows she knows what he means.]
[ She stretches up to kiss his cheek. ]
You keep safe, too.
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