You can get anything you want...

Nov 24, 2011 15:44

[ Phone, early afternoon, filtered from drones: ]

Yes, I know - anyone that wants something other than what was delivered, stop by tonight, I've got three turkeys to fry.

[ 1490 Kramden Road, Thanksgiving, early evening: ]

[ Ilsa viewed the delivery with deep suspicion... and some annoyance. ]

[ However, she did bring in the turkey and carve it for the drone children to have at lunch. Seemed the thing to do, since they turned up their noses at her cooking, and seemed very unsure of the spices she was rubbing into the three turkeys she had brined over the last day and a half. ]

[ Most of the kitchen shows evidence of the oven being in use all day, with the array of dishes in various stages of preparation, mostly just waiting for final touches. What's missing is the scent of roasting turkey in the house. ]

[ The scene in the backyard, however, seems to warrant some investigation. Especially the scaffolding over the boiling oil. ]

(( OOC: If you happen to be an acquaintance, feel free to drop by. There's more than turkeys planned for dinner, and while Ilsa does cook with a lot of dairy, there's bound to be something for everyone somewhere in the kitchen. ))

holiday, action, 1490 kramden

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