The file for her notes on locations is not very big, but the map Tarvek brought her is in it, with the typewritten notes. There are extra copies in a separate file. The mimeo stencils used to make the copies are not here.
Most Recent additions are dated 14 Aug Yr1
There are a few of us working there, but not in the kitchen. The name translates to unpleasant, and after hearing the reviews, I think it’s truth in advertising. I’d almost consider applying to the job if they believed in female chefs here.
Zemekis Corp. Offices:
A corporation without a visible product, which is honestly not that far from what corporate raiders do in my time.
Some of the people here have heard that Zemekis is the name of the personality behind Lucy Smith.
MacCready & Sons Law Office:
The law firm where I am a secretary. They don’t do much other than small-town sniping cases, from what I’ve been able to piece together. Most of the day is typing the same legal documents with minor changes.
There’s no MacCready in the office, but considering the other names, I’m trying to keep an ear out for who it might be named after.
Mayfield Elementary:
I don’t have any contacts there, other than that kindergarten teacher I keep running into. I still haven’t gotten more than ‘Mr Wulfenbach’ as a name for him, and I have to remember to not call him John.
Mayfield High:
I need more information here, too. I think I can get in as a parent to the students. Maybe I can get Blue to put together some reports for me.
Tiger Field:
Not much to see here, except to check to see where the craters are this week. Self-healing, like a lot of the town, but I haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary this summer. Will attend a few games to see if that’s all there is.
The Church of Salvation:
The Catholic sermons are really weak, compared to the ones I remember from Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow, and I’d guess the rest of the denominations are similarly washed-out. However, this is one of the places to go during an outbreak, since there is a healer stationed there, and it has been consecrated as holy ground.
The Post Office:
Do not go here. Yes, you can trade things to get your powers back but it costs too much.
The Louvre Hotel:
I haven’t checked this out. I’m wondering if there is a ballroom or something to rent out here, like the hotels back home. The Grand was the one that kept a lot of the musicians going during the recessions, by holding weekly dances with live music.
Something else to investigate - why the Louvre? I know the American fascination with things French was strong at that time, but is there something else?
The Mayfield Public Library:
I’ve been introduced to some of the librarians, but not the head librarian. I am getting a feel for the general information they do allow us to have, and trying to see what they’re hiding in the holes. No medical information to speak of, either.
Mayfield Dairy:
The place has been closed since I’ve been here. I’ve heard some tales about the battle in March, but only bits and pieces so far. Still not clear on what makes the milk from the dairy different from the milk in the store.
Jonathon's Tools:
Depending on who’s on staff, I can sometimes get things ‘for my husband’ if I use the right key words and keep referring to a list. Nothing large, though and no firearms. I really ought to have someone make a buy for me soon.
Neutron Diner:
Haven’t been to one of the Friday night dances here, because I still dance like a frog in a blender unless I have someone to hang onto. The food here varies, depending on if there’s a drone cooking or not.
Olney's Tavern:
Man cave, but there’s several of us that are bartenders here. Useful spot for marginally better wines.
The name of the person behind Officer Grady was Evan Olney.
Achewood Bakery:
Good spot for an almost tearoom.
The name of the person behind Jane Smith was Samantha Achewood. She was broken at the Independence Day festivities, and found dead the day after. She’s made it out, but not home.
Main Street Barber Shop:
Not much information on this spot yet.
Atomic Cinemas:
Haven’t been to the movies yet, except at other resident’s houses. Need to fix this, and see what they approve of in movies.
Annie's Flowers:
Actually helpful, and possibly the spot that can help the most this winter.
Was there an Annie?
Grey ABC:
Good for the things you can’t find at the store, but there’s not that much more there. Still needs investigation. Ask The Captain?
Burger Bonanza:
Corporate burgers, blegh. So what are they hiding?
Bodine Fashion:
Fashion? Nadine would have a cat, this wasn’t even fashionable for the era. Also not representative of the actual fashions of the era.
Who is Bodine?
The Malt Shop:
Not a lot of information here. Ask Blue for intel?
Jacques' Roller Rink:
The location of the trophy case. Not sure if this is something I want to show the newcomers, because not all of the ‘winners’ are the enemy. Most of them aren’t.
Jaques is not a common name for Mid-America in the ‘50s, is it important?
Greased Lightning Garage:
Full service gas station, I’ve heard of these, but never seen one live before. If you need work done, see if one of us is on duty, but probably better to learn to do it yourself.
Mayfield General Store:
The dairy products here are safe, and the food supplies seem to be average. Still keeping an eye out for fresh avocados and jalapenos.
Mayfield Bank:
Single financial institution in town, and there are some of us working here, but I don’t know them well.
The Comic Shop:
Golden age comics, so none of the characters I grew up with. However, there have been a couple of raids on the place, so it’s upsetting somebody.
The Record Store:
Not a bad selection. Kind of surprising that there’s blues albums here, but true to form, the artists aren’t pictured on the sleeves.
Bowling Alley:
I haven’t been bowling in years. Probably time to go.
John Doe Park:
The park is rather popular this summer, but I still can’t quite go near Samantha’s park bench anymore.
The Police Station:
Not sure what will happen with a new chief of police.
Makeout Point:
Most of the people I hear talking about this are using it for a sparring point. Still it seems it might be a good place to get away from the town for a bit.
The Rec Center:
The pool is not as popular since Olney died there. Still, the archery range is useful. Still need to find the guys running the shooting range.
The Drive-In Theater:
I hear there are monster movies here, so that might be another avenue of entertainment.
Mayfield Hospital:
The hospital is more of an urgent care clinic, and is more useful for supplies than treatment if none of us are there.
The Highway
Occasionally useful for road testing, but not really for travelling unless the powers that be dictate we need to get somewhere.
The Diner
The place was boarded up last time I passed by. Not sure if there’s an opportunity there.