In the Beginning

Nov 26, 2007 14:24

A long long time ago, not long after the beginning of time, a land was created; a formation of rock, sky, and water. Put in the water was life of plant and flesh. Put on the rock was life of plant and flesh. The two were the same and separate, for those surviving in the water could not on the rock and those surviving on the rock could not in the water. Once the creator of the land was finished, he left this land alone, under the assumption that those of the water and those of the rock would remain and thrive in or on their assigned elements, which they did for thousands of years.

One day, a being of the water glanced up, as it had many times before, but this time it was flooded with curiousity. There is clearly a separation above me, it noticed. What's beyond that? The creature made its way up up up the sandy slope until the separation was only an inch away. Mustering up all its might and courage, the water creature broke the surface and continued up the sandy slope away from the water and onto the rock. It was so easy!

(It looked like this:

, roughly.)

When that happened, a rock creature was sitting on the shore, contemplating the same thing the water creature had been a few moments before, but the opposite. Upon witnessing the water creature's emersion, the rock creature got the courage to travel past this separation, beneath the rock and into the water's depths.

(It looked like this:

, roughly.)

Suddenly, many of the water creatures were making trips to the surface and the rock creatures were passing them, venturing beneath it. Upon seeing this occurance, the creator knew it had to stop. It was told: "No more will rock creatures be able to go to the water or water creatures to the rock. I may not be able to stop those who have already crossed the barrier, but from this point forward, any who disobey this order with live eternally in pain and suffering and mental anguish." And the creator put life of flesh in the air above the land to guard the water and rock.

From then on the creatures were separate (except for the ones which already crossed the barrier) with creatures forever in the sky with a watchful eye.

Do you suppose that, if read thousands of years from now, these words would be considered truth?
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