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againstgod November 22 2008, 01:38:39 UTC
To thank God?
Lucifer can cook the Turkey.
Ask him.


oodzuchi November 22 2008, 01:50:25 UTC
Plenty of other people celebrate Thanksgiving for different reasons; in fact, Europe and America adapted it from when th' pilgrims settled the Americas and th' indians helped them grow their crops and stuff. The indians celebrate it for each season, too.

I'll hafta ask next time I see him around then!


1/2 againstgod November 22 2008, 02:02:08 UTC
she's like wat i wasn't serious! againstgod November 22 2008, 02:02:45 UTC
Make your turkey.
Don't test Lucifer's patience.


Rabi says cut him some slaaaack, it's hard to pick up on her teasing ;A; oodzuchi November 22 2008, 02:42:27 UTC
Will you be eating, Alexiel?


LOL yeaaaaah but I mean have anyone asking Lucifer that is suicidal XD againstgod November 22 2008, 04:06:32 UTC
I'll take salad.


DIES HE HAVE A PARANOIA ABOUT TURKEYS ): HOW TRAGIC oodzuchi November 22 2008, 04:22:04 UTC
I'll make sure 'ta make it really good then!


againstgod November 22 2008, 04:49:10 UTC
No peaches on the table.
They hold a resemblance to the Fruit.


oodzuchi November 23 2008, 02:06:18 UTC
I'll definitely leave those out then.


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