[ Filtered from the Deities; ]
Though it's not much, I was wonderin' if I could ask anyone that's been here a while 'ta look over a record of th' curses I've been keeping, and lemme know if ya find anything that's happened before. I'm lookin' for patterns! Any help would be appreciated.
June 2008 )
How many times would ya say? Three, four? More?
I'd say around three times that I know of, but it also pops up a lot during those days when people seem afflicted by random curses.
What, like a curse lottery?
You haven't been around for one of those? They tend to last two to three days and everyone gets hit with something different. Even something different on each day.
Ohh.. I think I have, though I didn't realize it at th' time. I was a kid for two days, but the day I wasn't, Yuu-chan was. That musta been it then-- that was a while ago. I don't remember a lotta other people bein' kids. How weird.
Yeah, those days tend to be really chaotic. And someone's always hit by the kid curse. There seem to be more people affected than normal as well.
Haha, there must be somethin' behind that-- th' Deities must have more fun watching a buncha kids runnin' around.
Maybe they like watching the leftover adults running around after them like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off...?
Hahaha! It could be that too. Sometimes it's fun just 'ta watch. Like today-- have you seen some'a the noses on people walkin' around?
It's hard to not notice some of them, although I'm trying. I think more people are affected this time than last.
I wonder what determines who gets affected or not-- personality, coin flipping? Makes ya wonder.
It really does. I know some of the strange people who periodically come flooding into the city claimed that they determine who gets affected, but they claimed a lot of things, including a bunch of crap.
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