Aug 05, 2008 18:05
Haha, finally found somewhere suitably high enough 'ta keep a good eye out...
Wish I could be out there, but it's just 's well I keep track'a everything. Good luck, guys!
[[OOC: On top'a yer buildings, recordin' ur fail. ;D backdated to before the mission oops orz;; WORST TIME TO SET UP A DVD PLAYER? Y.]]
bookman things,
barrier attack,
recording mode turn on
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But it looks like the barriers absorb an' rebound anything thrown at 'em. One'a those big human-ships had a gun on its arm that exploded when th' shots rebounded an' the big flyin' ship got hit with it's own energy.
It was just an experiment, really, but at least we know now that stuff like that won't work.
Is it that people are people trying to find a way to leave this place?
Yeah, mostly the people that still have some hope in th' cause, we're a mismatched bunch jus' tryin' 'ta get some information together 'ta help everyone out.
Doesn't sound like a bad idea. Any way I can help? I'm sure I can do something with my abilities.
Yanno, I'm not really sure! I've been tryin' 'ta organize meetings and stuff so everyone can dump information in an' we can organize it all into one central database 'a sorts, but man, this place is too big! I guess everyone's pretty much been doin' their own thing for so long. Don't know where 'ta really start if we don't already know what's been done.
Wait, you're the leader of this movement?
Nah, I'm not the leader, hahaha. I don't know if we even really have one... Or maybe it's a few of us, who knows. I'll let ya know when th' next meeting is though, an' you can come if you wanna.
We should amend that. It is a legitimate movement after all! I will definitely attend the next meeting. Thank you, Rabi.
Heh, no, thank you, Lenalee. I'll be glad 'ta have ya.
I'll be glad to be part of this with you. ♥
Everyone just seems so disconnected here-- it'll be nice 'ta spend some time with someone other than Yuu-chan!
I haven't seen Kanda in a while, though. Or Allen...
Yuu? He's normally off doin' his own thing, he's gone most'a th' day, then just comes back and sleeps. I couldn't tell ya what he's usually up to. I haven't seen much'a anyone around, really. Just you an' Fou, as of late.
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