Santana Lopez Comment Fic Meme

Apr 27, 2011 09:36

Santana Lopez Comment Fic Meme

Welcome to the Santana Lopez comment fic meme.
Any and all prompts are welcome here as long as they involve the fabulous Santana Lopez. Everything is welcome femmeslash, het, and multiple partner there is no limit on the number of prompts you can post. If you can think of it you can post it. This isn't a kinkmeme, but if you want porn, ask for porn. Porn is awesome
All I ask is one pairing/prompt per post please and if you can, filling as well as prompting is awesome,
I've never done this before so let's pray it works.

There are a few rules please read them.


There is no minimum or maximum word count on fic responses - go as crazy as you wish! Multiple responses to one prompt are very welcome!

When filling a prompt, please title your subject with "FILLED: Pairing,Rating,Title of Fic... " That way it will be easier for people looking for fics to find the stories, and easier on the me when I’m archiving the responses on delicious.

Be respectful. Something may not be your kink but you don't have the right to enforce your morality in this space. Basically, if you don't like it click the back button and be quiet. This is not the place for concrit or the grammar police. Feel free to discuss as much as you wish in your personal journals, but this is not the place for those discussions.

Trolling or character/pairing bashing will not be tolerated

meme, glee, santana lopez

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