How are you? Good, I hope.

Oct 27, 2002 19:13

1) I discovered this weekend, when Mark asked me, that I actually have a favourite paperclip shape. (Tis when you fold back the middle bit to make and odd S shape - its so clean and satisfying. I dont know why). Question: is it wierder that he asked, or that I had an answer?

2) I must remember not to say what I am thinking out loud without realising I am talking, as I did yesterday when the rowing club boys were running past me. I oh-so-foolishly said 'Healthy people are wrong. But very nice to look at', resulting in much mirth for them and much redness of face for me. Stuff like this happens to me on a regular basis. Will I ever learn?

3) My little brother is going to come and visit me at uni on Wednesday! He will go home on Thursday, Halloween, which is also one of my friends birthday. We are doing a bar crawl then party but have to dress up (Yay!). So do I go as the (purple) good fairy and my friend Niki will go as the bad one, or do I dress in black slinky stuff, bush my hair up, buy cat ears and go as that?

4) If something is described by one person as beautiful and another as ugly, which is it? Or is it neither? Is it anything? If so, what?

5) A quote I found today and liked:

"I have opinions of my own - strong opinions - but I don't always agree with them."
- George Bush

Does anyone agree with him?

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