Betty can't quit carving question marks in my wrist, how come we're so alone?

May 23, 2004 00:07

I'm a really bad golfer. Golfist? Golfologist. Anyways, I suck.
Yeah...I went to the driving range with Andrew today. Then we played mini golf. Definitely made me miss Go Kart City hah. I love that place.
We left at like 9:30, missed like 3 busses, etc., etc. I swear every time I do something with that kid busses drive right by us! It's all good though I had fun. My mo came and got us sometime around 11, drove Andrew home, came here and I must of peed for like an hour. I love that feeling :D
Well...nothing else to say except, Tweedie get your ass on msn, I figured out a way to tell you.
I have peektures :D

These are reeeaaallllllly shitty quality, but I had to take pictures of pictures, so you know how it is...Anywho, there of me & Kadey at my house in Florida around X-Mas.

Stuff I inspired hah.

That's all folks...have a fantastic night :D
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