*waves to everyone* Sorry for the absence! I'm in an internet-unfriendly area right now, and am immersed in school/job/housing issues that just.won't.go.away, but bear with me... I'll hopefully be in as much as out.
Everyone in the
Second Doctor Timeline -- remember that we're dealing with two Doctors, two Jamies, two TARDISes, and two barbarian hordes.
Victoria's Doctor is in the camp with the RED soldiers.
Ben and Polly's Doctor is in the camp with the BLUE soldiers.
Victoria's Jamie is also a prisoner of the BLUE soldiers.
Ben and Polly's Jamie, along with Ben and the Brigadier, have just been captured by the RED soldiers. But do they all arrive at the red soldiers' camp? Dun dun DUNNNNN.....
Speaking of which, the Second Doctor Timeline is now
HERE! This has been a public service announcement; thank you for your attention. ;D
And everyone in the
Ninth Doctor Timeline: the Doctor's wandering around Skaro -- do you know where your characters are? (/cheesy Do You Know Where Your Kids Are voice)
For the Mod: I do have a very small nitpick with the
rpgwho layout. The link to the timelines says 'read', but not the number of posts. It's fun to be able to scan the timelines and watch the numbers grow as everyone updates. This is just a small nitpick, but here 'tis in case it's worth mentioning.