Feb 09, 2005 23:57
ahh i'm so0 sleepy.. I dont even know why I'm writting in this lol well w/e work today was pretty go0d.. slow but good. Anyways ugh I miss sum1... a lot, but hopefully I'll be able to see them so0n =) So0 yea Angel showed up in my house today with his car, which I didn't even know he had 1 lol but w/e we talked then we we're gonna go to McDonalds n his car didn't start lmao yea it was pretty funny... he had to call his mom and his mom came and w/e we called some mechanic and he got it to start and then he left with his mom lol po0r guy. W/E. Hmm valentine's Day is so0n.. wonder how that's gonna go like. o0h yea on monday I got my cellphone back THANK GOD lol and with text too =) only bad thing is that it's a new number so if any1 wants it just IM me or leave a comment or sumthing.. anyways that's it for 2day I'm going to sleep go0dnight every1 BYEeE