Nov 04, 2004 11:23
The most powerful country in the world has yet again proven how insipid they really are. What are you people thinking? Are you fucking CRAZY!? Bush has managed to raise taxes for middle and low class families, managed to drop the employment rate in minorities drastically, wants to take away a woman's right to choose, has led an army of young soldiers into a war that has become hell on earth, he has done this and more in 4 years. Do we really need/want more destruction than what he has already given us? Why is America making the wrong decision? C'mon people... our president is an ignorant drunken cowboy that can't speak in complete sentences! Do we really want 4 more years with this man? I honestly had a lot of faith that Kerry would win, mainly because I thought the nation wanted a change, we NEED a change. Now i guess all we can do is wait. Sit back and watch how this man deteriorates our nation even more so than he already has.