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Claude (AU) Monaco at a 5 Star Hotel - Crack or serious claudereigns October 26 2012, 15:33:42 UTC
I'm a double O agent with gadgets, license to kill, etc. And yeah, I'm wearin' a tux and still bearded.


OMG THIS IS AWESOME!!! sylar October 26 2012, 17:14:24 UTC
Re: OMG THIS IS AWESOME!!! claudereigns October 29 2012, 03:44:04 UTC
Believe it or not, this what I thought I'd get when I signed on at the original Company at age 20 or so. *shakes head* Shoulda known better.


Got to have a Noah (AU) for this- Bond-ish supervillain with Mister Muggles as his lap pet. bag_and_tag October 28 2012, 18:29:33 UTC
I've been observing him for a while through the many cameras in the casino. This is the best that the MI6 could send? He doesn't look like much, I have to admit, but his reputation does the job for him. I'm not one to underestimate my many enemies. "We'll have to say hello to him, won't we mister Muggles?" I pet my dog and snap the leach on him. Time to go for a walk.

He's at the bar, so I go there as well. There's plenty of my men here, all waiting for my signal in case I want to take him down right here and now. "One sake, please." I nod at the bartender, who is keeping a bottle of it under the bar, just for me. "And one bowl of water for my dog." Mister Muggles jumps up on the stool next to me, barking excitedly.


Rains, Claude Rains claudereigns November 2 2012, 16:17:55 UTC
Bloke comes up to the bar with a dog. Based on me briefin' back at HQ, he's the one I'm lookin' for. Looks smug as hell too, and who wouldn't be in his own place? Reckon he's not alone either, and I don't mean the lap dog sittin' next to him, not based on what intel told me and the usual types MI6 send me up against. I nurse me beer as I take a casual look round the room. Nowt seems out of order for a 5 star establishment, but then it wouldn't be 5 star if the thugs were overt would it?

I notice one o' the waitresses, brunette, trim, little slip of a thing. Looks like she'd break in 'alf with a good hug, though for all her appearances, she could be a blackbelt or a trained assassin. The bouncers near most o' the doorways are a bit obvious but then why waste good muscle on the mere appearance of security? I turn me attention back to the bloke with the dog, see what he does next.


bag_and_tag November 11 2012, 01:03:44 UTC
I have a slow sip of my sake, knowing his eyes are on me. Setting it down, I give the bartender a brief nod and he fills up another small cup. I turn halfway around in my seat, returning the look the agent is giving me. "We'll dispense of the game, Mister Rains. I know who you are and, no doubt, you know who I am as well. Otherwise you would not have been sent here."

I smile, because I can afford to. I have the advantage, but that doesn't mean that I'm about to take victory for granted. "Perhaps you can tell me why you're here and we can deal with this like gentlemen, hm?" I push the other cup towards him. "Do feel free to enjoy the hospitality of the house, as sign of good will."


claudereigns November 18 2012, 21:25:07 UTC
I don't flinch when he calls me by name, but his mention of good will makes me raise an eyebrow. Granted, he probably could've had me shot as soon as I walked in 'ere, and I could have slipped in and taken him out before anyone was aware I was even in town, but that won't get me the info I need. While I'm not keen on sake, reckon it would be rude not to accept or at least to appear to do so. Wouldn't put it past him to have drugged the cup. I've a few antidotes stashed in me jacket, but I'm savin' those for when there's no other way out.

I take the cup over to me place but don't lift it, yet, even to pretend to sip it. "Well you know who I am, but how much else did you find out about me?"

Reckon I'll keep the conversation goin' and see what he lets slip if anythin'.


bag_and_tag November 21 2012, 01:56:36 UTC
"I know that you have a fondness for the roulette and for girls, Mister Rains. But then, don't we all?" I smile, waving at the waitress that I noticed the agent taking an interest in earlier. "I want you to enjoy your stay here. You will find absolutely nothing to report back to your leader, but nevertheless... I have the outmost respect for your chosen profession."

The girl comes over and stands next to Rains. "Bouncy, meet Mister Rains." Mister Muggles jumps into my lap and I pet him gently. "Mister Rains, this is Bouncy Fagina. She'll take care of your every need. I understand that you're staying with us, so I've taken the liberty of upgrading your room. Your new rooms are on the top floor."

Oh no, it won't be easy for him to figure out anything about what's going on around here. Or, at the very least, he'll have a difficult time finding any evidence. Not without dying horribly, something I've taken measures to make sure happens. "Is there anything else I might help you with?"


claudereigns November 26 2012, 16:51:55 UTC
I keep me face blank as he says he has respect for me profession. Respect is one thing, findin' and exploitin' weaknesses is another. The last 2 agents sent 'ere, we never heard from again, though given the way things have been in town it could have been any one of a dozen local establishment owners, includin' the bloke talkin' to me now.

He introduces miss Bouncy, and, given her name, I reckon she's definitely a bit tougher than she looks and likely the trained assassin I initially pegged her for. The things I do for Queen and country.

It didn't hurt to ask, reckoned he wouldn't say anythin' overt about other activities here, but I reckon I'll ask one more question. "Your beer selection is quite good, don't s'pose you have London Cuppa Tea for the mornin'?"


bag_and_tag November 28 2012, 16:37:09 UTC
"How wonderfully British of you. I'll have it sent up in the morning for you, rest assured. Now..." I nod at the sake he's left untouched. "You won't want to be rude, right? It's my best sake, Mister Rains." My dog growls quietly at him, adding a little bark to underline my comment. I give him a little scratch behind the ears to show him what a good dog he is.

"Drink up and visit the roulette tables after. Bouncy will accompany you." I nod at her, receiving a wink in return. Sweet but deadly, just as I prefer them.


claudereigns December 4 2012, 17:56:57 UTC
I'm pleasantly surprised when he says he'll send the tea I'm after up in the mornin'. That particular brand is not easy to find outside of the UK, though, these days, I reckon one can find nearly anythin' for sale on the internet with speedy shippin' as well ( ... )


bag_and_tag December 12 2012, 22:17:10 UTC
Bouncy gives me a look, not taking a sip of the sake before I give her a small nod. She's a smart girl. Mister Rains is smart as well, and very paranoid. He has to be, that's what keeps agents like him alive. The girl sips the sake first and then hands it over to the Agent with a smile. "I commend you for being cautious, Mister Reins." None of the others were nearly as careful. "But I wouldn't dream of destroying good sake with whatever you thought might be in there."

Poison him and not have the pleasure of taking him out in a more creative way later? No, that's not how it's done. I get up and nod at him. "Enjoy the rest of your evening. Perhaps I'll see you later..." Through my many monitors. "Come, mister Muggles." He jumps into my arms and I take my leave. Bouncy will get Rains where I want him to be. I got faith in that girl.


claudereigns December 21 2012, 17:37:38 UTC
The sake dealt with, I still have Miss Bouncy herself to contend with. There's also the insistence that I play Roulette. Not keen to hit that table just yet. Not sure what surprises are waitin' there. I finish me beer.

"C'mon, let's hit the baccarat tables," I say to my unplanned date. Let's see what she says to that.


bag_and_tag December 26 2012, 18:05:32 UTC
Back at the monitors, I have them follow Mister Rains and his date. Bouncy goes with him whereever he wants, not insisting on anything other than to be close and hang on his arm. She's big eyed and busty, no one would think that behind her gorgeous looks and slightly vacant eyes there's a mind that is sharp as a needle. I wouldn't hire anyone less.

Mister Rains heads for the baccarat table and I send an order there to let him win small sums and to bring him complimentary drinks. These can have a sedative in them. "Make it beer. He doesn't have a sophisticated palate."


claudereigns December 31 2012, 19:40:38 UTC
Once at the baccarat table I start winnin' right away. Not much but then I'm not bettin' much, at least not at the tables. A beer arrives, complimentary the waiter says, but I don't partake of it. While I can hold me liquor well, I wanna stay sharp.

Bouncy is hangin' off me arm like a groupie. While some blokes would be flattered, I'm suspicious. As far as I'm concerned, Armani tux or not I still look like a bloody gargoyle with a beard. I let her be and even have her hold the beer I was sent. "I don't wanna spill it on me cards," I telll her. After a few hands I cash out and head for the Roulette table. Bouncy comes with me, still holdin' the beer. "Let's see if you can bring me some luck 'ere. And hang onto that beer, plan to use it to celebrate." I'll see what if anythin' she says to that.


bag_and_tag January 5 2013, 18:55:20 UTC
They leave for the roulette table and I lean a little closer to the screen, watching them. "Look, mister Muggles. He's about to meet the Croupier." That's his title as well as his occupation, named for his way of disposing of my enemies. Not a lot of people know that croup also means the hindquarters of a horse, which is what he'll usually grind their meat up with. Frankly it's unsavory to consider, but what my employees do on their spare time is none of my business.

Bouncy is being good, holding Mister Rains drink and making flirtatious remarks to him. "I'll bring you luck, mister Claude. Want to my to blow on your chips?" She does it without him saying yes or no, winking to the croupier while she does it. He looks up towards the camera briefly and sets the ball into motion. Oh, Mister Rains will win, more than before. Enough to celebrate with his beer.


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