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Sylar, Rainy night in the city, serious sylar October 24 2012, 19:34:11 UTC
Sylar's an angel, with wings and all, and he's on Earth trying to make things right.


drpeterpetrelli October 24 2012, 21:27:02 UTC
I hate the rain but it's been too long since I've brought someone to the playground and I can feel the itch getting stronger. If I don't do something about it now, I may lose control and that's a dangerous thing.

I spot my prey for the night leaving the club, his arm draped around the guy and girl on each side of him. He's slightly drunk but not enough where I can't work with him. The corner of my mouth curls up as I follow behind at a distance.


sylar October 24 2012, 21:52:01 UTC
I can feel it. There is evil in his soul. It's seeping from his pores, tainting the air around him. I'm surprised that his target can't feel it, but then he's too focused on his conquests for the night.

I dropped down from the roof, my wings catching the air, and I land quietly behind Peter.

"I can't let you do that."


drpeterpetrelli October 24 2012, 22:03:40 UTC
Credit to many years of hiding my true emotions, I barely twitch at the voice coming from behind me. I turn slowly, an easy smile on my face.

"Can't let me do what? Head for the club for a few drinks? Maybe have some fun?" I have no idea who this guy thinks he is but he's not going to stop me from enjoying myself tonight.

"I have no idea what you're talking about or who you are. Are you Jehovah's Witness, trying to save my soul?" I snort.


sylar October 25 2012, 23:51:46 UTC
"It's too late for your soul, Peter. You gave up your rights to it long ago, but I will prevent you from hurting anyone else." I sent a wave of power at the trio, sending them back into the club where they'd be safe. Peter I grabbed my the front of his shirt, pulling his feet off of the ground. "You are barely human anymore."


drpeterpetrelli October 26 2012, 00:35:47 UTC
How the hell does he know about me hurting anyone? I've been careful, there's never been a witness, I know better than that. Even Nathan and my mother haven't ever seen what I do since I was a stupid kid and didn't know better.

My eyes go big as he shoves the people back into the club, grabbing me and lifting me off the ground. "I'm human, what are you? How can you think you know anything about me?" I nearly snarl. Grabbing his hands, I try to get him to break his hold but he's got too strong of a grip. Shit.

"Let me go before you regret trying to hurt me." I tell him coldly, glaring at him. I need to get away from this...person before too much attention is drawn to me. I don't like people noticing me unless I want them to.


sylar October 28 2012, 19:39:43 UTC
"You can't hurt me, Peter." I smiled at him, and then let him feel the warmth of my being before spreading my wings behind me. "And you won't be allowed to hurt anyone else ever again. I'd hoped that when I found you that I could blame it on a demon, but now I see that it's just you in there." I tapped his forehead with the tip of my finger and flew us back to his lair in a fraction of a second where I let him go. "How many people have died at your hand, Peter Petrelli?"


drpeterpetrelli October 28 2012, 19:58:07 UTC
I can't be seeing what I'm seeing or, if I am, it's not what it looks like. Angels don't exist, God doesn't exist. There's just humans and their natures. But we've flown back to my playground before I can even blink and I stare at him, anger and...fear running through me? I'm never afraid, I'm the hunter, not the prey.

How the hell did he know where I play though? "How long have you been following me?" I try to hide my unease, there has to be a logical explanation. "What do you want? Are you going to try and blackmail me? I won't allow it." If anyone knows my secret, I'm doomed. I'm not stupid. He taps my forehead and I bat his hand away.

"Not enough." I tell him with a cold smile. "I haven't learned what I needed to know yet. How do you plan on stopping me, if it's not blackmail you're after?" He says I can't hurt him but that's bullshit. There's always someway to hurt someone, I just need to learn how and I'm looking forward to it. I can't wait to get him strapped to my table.


sylar October 29 2012, 00:37:05 UTC
He doesn't believe his eyes, poor little human. I shook my head and watched him posture and threaten me. I shook my wings out, the feathers brushing over a selection of surgical tools and sent them crashing to the floor.

"Blackmail? You are a very amusing creature. I intend to give you a choice, Peter Petrelli. You can ask for forgiveness and attempt to regain your humanity, or I can send you to Hell."


drpeterpetrelli October 29 2012, 01:43:55 UTC
I make an angry sound when he knocks my instruments onto the floor. Damn it, now I have to sterilize them again and I hate wasting time doing that. But I don't want infections to get in the way of my work. It defeats the whole point.

"Why would I want to ask for forgiveness from anyone, least of all you? I don't believe in Heaven or Hell, so I'm not worried about you sending me there." I snort. "Or is that your quaint way of saying you're going to kill me. Because, frankly, I'm not too scared."

I brush past him to pick up my instruments with a slight huff, setting them carefully in the autoclave. I wonder how much more I'll have to sterilize before he's finally gone. "Just how am I to gain my humanity back? Do you want me to stop what I'm doing?" I laugh. "I have no intention to if this is all you're going to threaten me with."


sylar October 30 2012, 02:26:07 UTC
He amuses me. He's so concerned about the cleanliness of his tools when no one lives long enough for it to matter once he has them. His mind is so chaotic, and he thinks that he oh so superior to anyone else.

"How do you regain it? You stop killing. You stop being an evil son of a bitch, and you start helping people with those powers of yours." I folded my arms across my chest. "Seriously, how stupid are you that you can't figure that out?"


drpeterpetrelli October 30 2012, 03:43:23 UTC
I turn back to him, rolling my eyes. "For what? To save my soul? Why should I care about saving it? I like what I'm doing, I enjoy the hell out of it. How are you going to convince me that stopping is the right thing to do? Show me the Seven Circles?" I brush past him.

"There is nothing you can do or say that will convince me that I should stop, so you should just stop wasting your time." I stop, looking at him. "Why are you even trying? Are you that short on angels or something? Is that what you are, some kind of angel recruiter?" A laugh bubbles out.

"God, you really must be desperate then. Are you losing the good/evil war? If I did believe in Hell, how do you know I won't enjoy it down there? That they won't have a spot for me where I can keep doing exactly what I'm doing up here?" I step towards him. "Give me one good reason why I should stop, other than saving something I don't believe in."


sylar October 30 2012, 17:22:58 UTC
"You're right. I would be wasting my time, and since I have eternity that would be a fucking shame." He glances at me when I swear, and it makes me smile. "I'm not a fluffy Hallmark Channel angel, Peter. I'm the real thing, and we're not nice."

I sent a surge of power at him, sending him crashing into the wall where I held him in place. I flew after him, letting him see the full glory of my wings and power. "Killing you would be the best option."


drpeterpetrelli October 30 2012, 22:45:29 UTC
The obscenity sounds odd coming from someone supposedly so high and mighty. "Considering what I've heard from the bible, I never thought your kind were very nice. First born sons, really? Why didn't you take the first born from my family?" Save me some grief over the years.

I start to turn away but then I'm flying through the air, hitting the wall hard enough that my breath is knocked out of me. Damn! I look up to catch him flying at me and he looks terrifying and vengeful and I start to wonder if, for the first time, I should be worried. I'm not, yet, but I can feel a trickle run down my spine.

"Then do it. There's a reason you haven't yet, that you thought you could save me or whatever it is you have in mind. As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing beyond death. Not that I want to die but..." I shove back at him with my own power.


sylar November 6 2012, 01:42:39 UTC
His power is stronger than I expected, and I have to bring up my wings to stop from being thrown across the warehouse. I raised my hand and stopped time, holding him in place. His face was twisted into a snarl, and I let out a sigh as I shook my head.

"You're right of course. You are too far gone. It was silly of me to think that I could change you. You're too happy being evil." I touched his forehead and held him in place while time started to move once more. With a blast of God's power, I took his abilities from him, leaving a normal human for the first time in his life. "I won't kill you, yet, but I will make it harder for you to hunt others."


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