Jan 10, 2006 23:05
I'm really wishing that i could go back to Sunday. It was nice being able to actually live and enjoy being with friends, and enjoy life. In these past two days my life has gone from bad to worse. I have so much work to do and I have no idea when I'm going to finish it all. I'm so depressed and stressed, it's taking a lot to cheer myself up. On top of that, I nearly failed yet another Bio quiz. My parents were pissed, and they're really starting to piss me off. I've barely been home, cause I hate going there, it's always how did you do on this test and that quiz, they're driving me crazy, and of course I can't dissagree with them becuase that would be disrespectful... I'm so drained, and stressed I've lost my will to work, no joke. I haven't done any work because I just don't care anymore, I know I'm probably shooting myself in the foot, but it's so hard to see how any of this is making me a better person. Throughout this year, I've seen myself change into the kind of person that I always told myself I would never become... in so many words. I can't even articulate how crappy I feel right now...
on a happier note...
Today after School, Many Doofy, and I went to Elmira to pick up another Player Piano... player... piano (haha, just some play humor)... anyway, thta mofo was heavy, it had to be near 900-1000 pounds... I didn't get back till 5:30... I got home around 6, started my hw, and stopped 5 minutes later to lay down and relax... kinda crapped out and woke up at 10:30, so I have to know finish a crap-load of hw, in short- my life sucks