Feb 08, 2005 15:14
Oha~~!! ^o^
Aichu prodly presents - first bearable layout!
Of course it is featuring Psycho le Cému... ^^'''
My weekend. Hai.
My daddy's birthday turned out to be not that bad as I thought...
It wasn't really fun, but it was ok.
Sunday I went once again to visit Yuka & Jeeze
(@ them: kann es sein, dass wir uns dieses jahr bisher jedes
Wochenende getroffen ham? *--*).
Reen was there too, and after we had upset our
plan to go to the pink-black-party-thing,
we just... loafed around!! X333 *luv gammeln³³³³*
We watched MoonChild (unfortunately just japanese) and..
eh, what did we do? Ah yes!! tee hee... >_>
Somehow this turned out to be a whole Psycho le Cému-WE! ^^'''
We'll have a frontiers and roman hikou-group,
I'm sooooooooooooo happy about it!!! *fly around*
(Someone want to be our rh-seeku? .___.)
Then we got tired and around 2 a.m. we hopped into beds.
But suddenly Yuka and I weren't tired anymore,
so we chatted all night long. ^^''
Next day, after more Psycho le Cemu and more loafing,
reen and I had to go home.
Then it showed up that I get old and should sleep more than 2 hours a night:
In the train from Hagen to Werdohl I nearly fell asleep...
and suddenly, when I opened my eyes, we were in Altena!
But I somehow wasn't sure wether it was Altena or Werdohl,
and I jumped out - and after I had realised it WAS Altena,
the doors didn't open anymore! >...<
The next train would have arived in one hour... *drop*
So I phoned my mom, and - luckily - they came to fetch me! ^^
The time I had to wait for them I played gameboy in the light
of a phonebox... I was so damn tired!!!
Mou, I wished it would be friday already - we will go PLC-shopping! ^o^
I always said I would never do a roman hikou aya...
But now I'm so happy that I will seew it, and I think I'll really
colour my hair pink. I don't need to change much of the haircut so that
it fits to the cos - so why should'nt I..? n__n
Can't await the time when I'll have a seewing machine again! >.<
Sou... now I'll go have lunch and watch the an~café video Kyo-chan
just sent me! *________* seeeeenkyu~!!!
Baibaaai, luv u all!! =^.^=