
Mar 16, 2005 17:29


*fieps* I'm very much hibbelig just right now!
There's one reason I won't tell yet *blinku @ kyo-chan*,
another one is the beautiful weather (welches mich glatt mal aus den latschen gehaun hat, sodass ich eher nach hause gehn musste... ^^''' ),
then there's of course the upcoming WE
aaaaaaaand: tomorrow will be lovely Aya-chan sein Birthday! ^o^ Somehow I'm kinda excited about that, even if there's no reason to... ^^''*baka*
I would like to e-mail him tomorrow... But I don't really know what and how and stuff...! @___@

waaah, tomorrow will also be englisch-klausur - about Ireland!
And I don't know ANYTHING!!! Not even what to learn!
That fears me very much, because it's my Leistungskurs... >.<

kay, gonna clean up a bit and try to learn something - if not english, then at least Philosophie (we have to learn 2 full DIN A3 pages full of historical, cultural, technical and philosophical dates by heart! >.< and we'll write tests about that!)...

Sooooou, baibai my sweethearts!!! *fluuuuuuff*

Ah: Perhaps I'll be able to wear my new shoes next days! *--*
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