May 22, 2004 08:59
something everyone should know, when you think that life cannot get any worse and u just want to curl up and die-- eventually things will get better and soon something will happen that makes you love life. and always live for the moment.
i slept at rikki'Z last nite-- it was very chill. haha the waiter kept hitting on her and all she did was sit there and smile... it was funny but yea haha im so sickk. i hve one of those summer/spring colds and all i do is cough, sneeze, and blow my nose. maybe its allergies.. idk
thrusday and friday were hard days for me.. i just watned to say thanks 2 those peeps who help me with my shit and haha yeaa u kno what i meann..
alright peace love and.. have a great day :)