Nov 07, 2004 13:28
|:| Survey |:|
[ Current Clothes ] Ellie's black zipper jean things, pink shirt
[ Current Mood ] Bored
[ Current Music ] Hana- Orange Range
[ Current Taste ] Winter Fresh
[ Current Hair ] Messy
[ Current Annoyance ] Jon being stupid
[ Current Desktop Picture ] Kenshin
[ Current CD in CD Player] Dunno, I lost my Cd player
[ Current DVD in player] Kill Bill Volume 2
[ Current Refreshment ] Water
[ Current Worry ] Dunno
[ You Talked to ] My dad
[ You Hugged ] Katie
[ You Instant messaged ] Some random person
[ You Yelled At ] Jon
[ Candy ] Butterfingers
[ TV Show ] Inuyasha, FMA, Rurouni Kenshin, Trigun, Southpark
[ Movie ] Mean Girls.
[ Dance ] The chicken dance!!
[ Anime ] Inuyasha,Shaman King, Rurouni Kenshin, .//hack,FMA, Trigun,Cowboy Bebop, Wolfs Rain, His and Her circumstances,too many other to name.
[ Understanding ] Yes
[ Open-minded ] Yes
[ Insecure ] Yes
[ Interesting ] Sometimes..
[ Random ] Stop&Shop
[ Hungry ] No
[ Friendly ] Yeah
[ Smart ] Eh, Depends
[ Moody ] Depends
[ Childish ] When Im hyper
[ Hard working ] nope
[ Organized ] No
[ Healthy ] I guess
[ Emotionally Stable ] Eh
[ Shy ] I don't like large groups of people, even if the're my friends
[ Difficult ] Not really
[ Attractive ] Oh yeesh. n_n haha
[ Bored Easily ] yeah
[ Messy ] really messy
[ Thirsty ] nope
[ Responsible ] Not when it comes to school work
[ Obsessed ] not really
[ Angry ] Nope
[ Sad ] kinda
[ Happy ] sometimes
[ Hyper ] Keep me away from icecream
[ Trusting ] yeah
[ Talkative ] yeah
[ Kill ] no one as of yet
[ Slap ] No one
[ Look Like ] No one.
[ Talk To Offline ] My friends from other schools
[ Talk To Online ] My cousins is japan
[ Pictured your crush naked? ] Too many times
[ Been in love ] I think...Depends on your definition of love
[ Cried when someone died ] No. I don't cry when people die. I cry more when an anime character dies.
[ Lied ] Yes
[ Coke or pepsi ] Coke
[ Flowers or candy] candy
[ Tall or short ] Tall or taller then me atleast
[what do you notice first?] Their "style" I don't like Jocks or Preps
[last person you slow danced with] I don't like dancing
[worst question to ask] Can we talk?
[makes you laugh the most?] Uhh I dunno
[makes you smile] My friends.
[makes you blush] n_n
[has a crush on you?] I have no idea.
[is easiest to talk to] People who share the same intrests as me, or someone who can carry a good convosation and dosen't rely on me to start up topics.
[sit on the internet all night waiting for someone special to IM you?] .Yes
[save aol/aim conversations] Not really, unless its extreamly important or good blackmail.
[cried because of what someone said?] Ocasionally
I am: Horney
I want: To leave Newtown
I have: a craving for chocolate and spegetti
I wish: I had a boyfriend
I miss: nothing.
I fear: Heights, small spaces, sharp objects, bugs, and being rejected
I hear: Orange Range!
I search: for that certain someonethat makes me smile everyday.
I wonder: what I am going to do the next day.
I regret: a lot of small pointless things
I love: my friends,anime and manga...and....
I am not: perfect?
I dance: usually never. 8 years of tap, ballet, jazz and hiphop and I still can't dance.
I sing: in the showa!
I cry: over pointless things, rather then more important things
I am not always: as happy as I seem to be
I write: in my live journal?
I win: never
I lose: a lot.
I confuse: myself
I need: ...someone to love me...
I forget: What its like to be carefree
Yes Or No: Do
x. You keep a diary: Yes, my livejournal
x. You like to cook: No.I like to eat
x. You have a secret you have not shared with anyone: Yes
x. You believe in love: Yes
What is...?
Your most overused phrase on IM: Haha
The last image/thought you go to sleep with: whatever was on tv
Inside joke: peeness
Do You...?
Have a(any) crush(es): yes
Want to get married: I guess
Get motion Sickness: Only when Im in one of my friends car or if I read, but not on trains
Think you're a health freak: No
Get along with your parents: No
Like thunderstorms: Yes
Sign: Aquaris
Natural hair colour: Dark Brown/ blackish I can't really remember
Current hair colour: pink, red, blond,orange, brown, black
Eye colour: Chestnut ish
Birthplace: Dunno
Numbers: 2
Colours: Pink
Day: Fridays
Month: May
Season: Spring/Fall
Cuddle or make out? BOTH!
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? Hot Chocolate
Milk, dark, or white chocolate? Milk Chocolate
Vanilla or chocolate? Chocolate
Cried? Nope
Helped someone? nope
Bought something? Nope
Gotten sick? No
Gone out for dinner? No
Said "I love you"? No
Talked to an ex? Yes
Missed an ex? No
Written in a journal? *pokes* this is a liveJOURNAL
Had a serious talk? No
Missed someone? Yep.
Hugged someone? Yes
Fought with your parents? not yet...
Fought with a friend? No
Name 5 bands/singers you listen to: Orange Range, Nirvana, Marlyn Manson, Green Day, AC/DC
Name eight things you dislike:Cocky people, people who hate anime, annoying people, Jocks, When people breathe on my food, Religious people, telimarketers, people who tell me im just like my parents
Would You Ever~
1. Eat a bug? Dipped in chocolate?
2. Bungee jump? Probably not since Im afraid of heights
4. Kill someone? Well depends. If it were to save someone. I Probably won't do it with my bare hands. But poision them, or shoot them in the stomach and let their stomach acids eat away at them untill they die.
6. Kiss someone of the same sex? Maybe
7. Have sex with someone of the same sex? Probably not
8. Parachute from a plane? ...Didn't I say i was afraid of heights?
10. Go out with someone for their looks? Maybe
11. For their reputation? No
12. Be a vegetarian? maybe
13. Wear plaid with stripes? Yeah! But polka dots are better...
14. IM a stranger? Yes
15. Sing karaoke? nope
16. Get drunk off your ass? yup
17. Shoplift? maybe
18. Run a red light? yeah
19. Star in a porn video? maybe
20. Dye your hair? Yeah, already have a couple times
21. Be on Survivor? No, I hate those kind of showes
22. Wear makeup in public? Yeah
24. Cheat on a test? If the test is worth half my grade and I have no idea what Im doing then yes.
25. Make someone cry? not on purpose...
26. Call your parents fuckers? I have many times.
27. Kick a baby? NO!
28. Date someone more than ten years older than you? No.
29. Cuss out a priest? Yeah! I will also wear an athiest shirt and sit in the middle of chirch, with the devil sighn on my forehead.
30. Take a job as a janitor? Is the pay good?
31. Stay up all through the night? Yeah, I have done it countless times
32. Drink straight espresso? I dunno what it tastes like
1.) Name: Taylor
2.) Nickname(s): Don;t have one
5.) Nationality: Japanese
6.) What time is it: 2:33 PM
7.) Called you: Jon
8.) Slept in your bed: Me.
9.) Saw you cry: I haven't cryed in front of anyone for a while. But they hurd me on the phone. I think it was Either Jon or Katie.
10.) Made you cry: Uhh, I was crying because of the book I read. ANd Because spike died on cowboy bebob!! I know pethetic right?
12.) shared a drink with you: No one
13.) went to the movies with you: Jon, Shandon, Jess, and some other people but I kinda forgot who it was.
14.) went to the mall with you: Jon and Shandon
15.) Yelled at you: Don't rember
16.) Sent you an email: Hottopic peoples.