(no subject)

Oct 26, 2004 20:52

Haha today was interesting. Well it was a half day and we had an assembialy. They had birds and crap that flew around. I wanted it to shit on someone. Then after I walked after school with Erin and Jon. We did the usuall, went to Dunkin Donuts, Big Y and CVS. At CVS I took the purfume and sprayed it all over Jon so he smalled good for once lol and got it in his coffe. The he had to throw it out...sorta. More like smashing in into the ground in the parking lot and it splattered all over him. The we met up with Dakota at Big Y at about 1:00 ish. First Dakota took my shoe so I was running around without a shoe for a while. Then Jon decides to spill soda on me, and it went everywhere. All over the table, the table next to us the seats, on my and Erin's backpack, my homework, well you get the picture. So I take whats left and dump it on him. We ran out so we didn't get in trouble, and left Erin there by herself, cause she was in the bathroom when this whole thing happened so when she got to the table she got a surprise. We got bored so then we went on the 2 seat baby shopping cart things and ran down isles running over old people. Then we bought lighters and axe and made fireballs. I guess you can say that Dakota got a "free" can of Axe. I think it was some essence crap so I sprayed it all over my backpack. So yeah I'm doing the same thing tommorow too haha.
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