
Jun 30, 2008 21:56

Well, I've got my preliminary schedule for Worldcon. It looks like I'll be on three panels. Wednesday, and Friday look to be fairly clear for meetings. Anyone wishing to pitch to me, or just pick my brain quietly should probably pick a time from mid day on on Wednesday, or anytime from mid morning on Friday. If you want to schedule a time you can:
Message me through LJ with your contact info.
Send me an email through the webform on my website.
Instant message me via one of the options in my profile.
Or go all old fashioned and call me.

If you're going with two or three writer friends I'm willing to talk to a couple people at once.

You can also just try and wander into me at one of the room parties at the main hotel where I'll be staying.

denver, worldcon, appearance, con

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