
May 15, 2007 11:23

Hello everybody!

I know its been forever since I've posted anything substantial here, but I wanted to let you all know what my plans are for the summer!  I am going to be in Europe for about 5 weeks, and am planning on creating an LJ as a means of keeping my family, work, and friends up to date with my activites.

The trip will begin on the 28th of June and I won't be home untill the 19th of August.  I am hoping to start up the new LJ within the next week.  I will be utilizing LJ's new scrapbook feature to share lots of pictures with you.  There also may be a chance for some video.  I don't know what kind of internet access I'll have, but I will try to write as often as possible.  The LJ will be a friends only LJ, as some of the photos and information will need to remain non-public, but as long as I know you, I will be more than happy to friend you!  I will post a message here when the new LJ is up, and you can either let me know here, or in a public post on the new LJ (which I will create) and I will friend you.

As for the trip itself, I leave on the 28th of June and head straight to Greece with URI for a classical course.  There we will be heading to all sorts of different archaeological sites and meuseums!  On the 7th, I will break away from that group to spend a week in London because, well, who wouldn't?!  Actually, its because on the 14th I'll be heading to Romania for an archaeological dig, and its just as expensive to stay there as it would be to head home.  From the 14th of June to the 15th of August, I will be camping out in the Carpathian mountains to do an archaological dig in Southern Transylvania.  We will be excavating a Dacian Fortress, one of the last standing before the Romans took over, and looking for the sacral areas of the site.  Once that part of the trip is over, I will be heading to Indianapolis, Indiana to go to GenCon!  After the 19th, when I finally get home, I will be staying home exhausted and trying to remember what life is really like!

If you're interested in following along, let me know here or later in the other LJ and I'll be very happy to friend you!

On another note, I did want to let you all know that though I may not write much, I certainly follow along!  I'm really excited that some of my friends are getting some really great opportunites for themselves!  Congrats to Julliete for getting her dream job at SeaWorld!  And Maura, while I can't come to you're graduation party (so sorry!), I'm really excited for you!  I hope that you are able to find a job that suites you well.  Kate, you're such an amazing person and you work really hard at what you do!  Don't discourage yourself for some bad turns, I know that you'll be able to find something!  Dave, you seem to be doing well for yourself well.  I had a great time going to Wrights Dairy with you all the other day!  Other Dave, I'm really glad you're finally getting you're own car!  And I'm also happy that you found yourself another job.  Don't get too frustrated with school, J&W is just as bad as URI sometimes!  You'll find something that works, you always do.  Stacy, I think you are just really amazing.  You always find something to be happy about.  If there is anyone I forgot, I am sorry.

Have a good summer all and I hope to hear from you soon!

over and out

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